11: Hired help! not really hired though

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(Funneh POV)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I am now on my way.. somewhere. They took Evan and Kyran some other place, not sure where.

We arrived at the door, and one staff member took out a walkie talkie and said, "We have Funneh. Should we send her in?"

"Yes." A voice immediately replied. Sounded like a girl. "But do not come in. Just push her in here. You put a collar and bracelet on her, right?"


"Good." Then the walkie talkie shut off. One guy opened the door and pushed me into there, so hard I nearly fell.

I looked up and I was in a dark room, then the lights came on. When I looked up, the room had two people in it. One girl facing.me, and another girl in a chair. I looked on the wall and noticed two jars and one said, "Lunars powers", while the other one said, "Draco's powers".

This wasn't good.

"Welcome Funneh." A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes said. She looked just like that nurse. She had a backwards cap on and a jacket with white and pink striped on the sleeves.

"Who the heck.. are you?"

"Brittney. Brittney Bettathanu at your service." She said, with an evil giggle. Okay, not going to lie, I was t expecting these girls to be the final battle. They looked like highschool bullies, not some final evil master taking powers.

If anything, It looks like the worst crime they probably committed would be stealing a ice cream from a 7 year old.

The other girl in the chair had dark orange hair, and green eyes. She had a pink of the shoulder top with a black tank top underneath. They kinda look like those bullies from mean girls. I actually saw a lot of posters of the movie 'mean girls' on the outside world.

"And I'm Felicia. Felicia Weiz." Felicia said.

"Felicia Weez?" I asked. That's what it sounded like.

Felicia took that personal and sighed. She then looked at me and said, "Whatever, ironing board."

Ironing board?! Me?! Oh this girl's gonna get it-

Wait a second.. the jars. They have .y siblings powers!

"Where are they?" I yelled.

"Who?" Brittney asked. She looked genuinely confused before realizing what I was looking at. "Ohh, they are somewhere. Somewhere not safe."

My eyes widened.. they had..

Just then the door was kicked down. No but seriously, what's with the doors in these place. They are always getting opened aggressively.

They where scientist who had said, "Lunar and Draco arent in the room."

Oh phew! He found them!

Oh wait, did I not explain? Should I do a flashback? You know what! I think I will.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Funneh?" Alec came in and asked.

After the escape Celeste and Elijah have been living in a house that Elijah owned.

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