8: One last message

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(Rainbow POV)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Day 38 here at this weird place. Now it's just me and Gold. Lunar disappeared a week ago. Or two? I lost track of time. Draco stopped talking to us.. I hope he's okay since we can't ever see him. And I wonder how Funneh is doing.

Just me, and Gold.


Yes! Lunch time. I can finally leave this empty cell.

I went to find the lunch table we sat at and took a seat. Not too long later Gold arrived and I smiled at her. "Sad, isn't it?" Gold asked.

I nodded in agreement. It was sad. I miss when we where all together.

"But there's no time to dwell on the past. We still need to think of a way out of here." I pointed out. Gold agreed, but this was the problem. How are we suppose to get out? "If there even is a way, right?"

Gold playfully slapped me on the arm, "don't say that! There's always a way."

Always, huh?

One thing I've noticed was that Valerie disappeared the same time Lunar did. "Hey, have you noticed that the day Lunar disappeared, so did Valerie?"

"Actually, yeah. I was just thinking about that earlier this morning."

"Don't you wonder why?" I questioned. I hate to theorize things because I feel like I'm always wrong, but it's just odd. Something isn't right.

"Yeah." Gold mumbled, before hitting her hand under the table. "EW!"

"what?!" I quickly responded.

"Is there.. GUM under this table?! WHY IS IT SO STICKY.." Gold yelled. Gun? They don't have Gum here though? I looked under the table and there was a message carved under there next to some old meatloaf. Yuck..

"There's a message under here!" I whispered to her excitedly. She whispered back for me to read it. "Dear sisters, it's me Draco. You haven't heard from me for awhile because.. well let's just say something happened."

"Well what happened?"

"I'm getting to that!" I say, a little mad I was interrupted. "I can't put it into words but, I ran  into Lunar and Valerie while going to the courtyard two weeks ago!"

"What! He ran into-"

"GOLD!" I shouted. But not really shouted. If ykyk. "At first I thought they where just going to one of those experiment rooms, but then I realized there was no guard with them.. and Lunar was asleep or knocked out."

I looked at Gold and she looked at me. Concerning much.. I continued, "but two days ago, I saw Valerie leaving the building while eating lunch. So I asked if I could use the bathroom. As I was walking past the front door, I didn't notice anything.. but I walked past the.. surgery room.. and saw Lunar on the surgery bed."

I looked at Gold with eyes wide open. Did.. did Valerie.. betray us? I had to continue, and it looked like we where almost finished since there wasn't a lot of room to write more words.

"I noticed that.. um.. her elf ears started looking more.. human ear. And that one mark she has on her face to show she was a witch was gone. I think.. " I paused.

"What! What is it?!" Gold shook me. That's when the bell rang and speakers came on telling us to go back to our cells. "HURRY!"

"I think she's one of them now."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
(Funneh's Diary)

I escape a bit ago..maybe a month and a half? I don't know. But what I do know is how I'm going to break out my siblings. No one wants to help me. I'm on my own.

But that's okay. I have a plan:

1. Distraction
2. Break in.
3. Rescue

The only problem is that they aren't solid and have way too many flaws.. I'm not even sure how I'm going to make the distraction. But it's okay!

No wait. I know. I know who the distraction will be.

I'm coming Krew!


✧・゚: *✧
(-7$6-#(($)96-&5//88's POV)

It's perfect. It's going well. "Aren't j doing well?!"

"Yes, 88. Your doing perfect. Now all we have to do is wait for Funneh to come back. Wait for Lunar to wake up. Wait for Draco to lose his powers. Wait for the other two to slowly die."

"That's a lot, though.."


I looked down. I was too impatient for this!

"88! Focus! Any second could be your last because of these idiots."

I nodded. "Sorry, ma'am."

Then she smiled. "Looks like Funneh is back."

"How do you know?"

Then she used her really cool powers to show me what she was seeing. Woah! She's so cool!

"Let's prepare. It's time we get our hands on these powers."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


I got a rlly good idea so I made another chapter and I might make another one tonight:)

Anyways who do y'all think 88 and "ma'am" is.. let's just say they are enemies of the past. If ykyk.

Tbh these where the only characters I had yet to use so I made them into the final bosses lol.

Also rlly cool fight scene coming soon

K love y'all platonically!!!

Word count: 871

-author Sydney<3

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