5: Plan: escape 4.0

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(Funneh POV)

Rlly quickly before this chapter starts, I had a problem with saving this story.

So I had to delete the first draft and copy and paste this one to a new draft. So everything that should be bolded, isn't. Im super sorry, but I don't want to fix it because that's too much words.

Hope y'all understand, and let's get into this!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.


That's exactly how me and Draco felt in this situation. We where now being chased by employees throughout the lab. Honestly, it's not as fun as the movies make it. Then again, I haven't seen a movie in 8 years (besides the "educational" ones made by employees or doctors).

"Quick!" I muttered, motion Draco to jam into this closet. God, I regret coming with Draco.

As soon as he got in, I closed the door. It was very dark in here. "So what's your plan?" I asked Draco, even though I couldn't see a thing. I hope I was facing the right way.

"What?" He asked, I could tell confusion fell over him.

My heart sank, why did I follow the man WITHOUT a plan? I ask, "why did you run then? What was your point?! We're now fugitives in this place, and the second they find us we're done. Over."

"I- I don't know. I guess I was.." Draco mumbled.


"I was.."

"MY GOODNESS CHILE. JUST SPEAK!" I Yelled (not as loudly as Draco yelling earlier. Just a whisper yell)

"I was scared." He finally spit out. Ha. Draco? Scared? The only thing he's scared of is spiders. Besides that, he doesn't know how to fear. His most common emotion is disgust tbh.

"Yeah right." I scoffed.

"I'm being serious!" He punched me in the arm, and I wanted to slap him back for dramatic effect.. then I realized I was backwards. I can't help it's too dark in here to see!

I turned around, and put my hand out till I found Draco's head and ruffled his hair, and gave a small laugh, "Yeah, I guess it's normal in this situation. I'm scared too. Scared about being caught. Scared for Lunar on her own. And scared for Rainbow and Gold."

"With that laughter, I refuse to believe your scared." Draco said, making himself laugh.

But we didn't have time to laugh. Because the door knob was turning. Oh God. There's nowhere to run. We're done. We're over. Dead. Gone. Ruined! The door was a few seconds from opening. I panicked. And scurried towards Draco to hug him.

The door slowly opened and.. it was a girl with teal-purple hair and white lab coat and basically the uniform of a doctor. But she looked familiar.

"Wait.. why are you in here?"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Lunar POV

"Wait.. why are you in here?"

"Lunar?!" Both Funneh and Draco gasped.

"Shhh," I shushed the both of them. Sometimes I wonder how I'm not older than Funneh. I shoved myself into the closet, but before doing soi turned on the lightbulb that they probably missed on the way in.

"Woah, Lunar, that disguise looks perfect! If you didn't speak, I probably wouldn't recognize you!" Draco complimented me. What can I say? I'm the master of disguise.

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