12: the final showdown.

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(No POV)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Through the door entered Rainbow, Gold, Lunar, and Draco. As well as Alec and Aly.

"So this is how you want to end your lives.. fighting us, huh?" Felicia asked. Trying to be menacing, although it wasn't working very well. Felicia had noticed that, and told Brittney, "Get the the powers."

Brittney had used some telekinesis to float the powers towards her. Wait, she had powers? How come these people who have us locked up for having powers.. have powers?

"Give back Lunar and Draco's powers!" Rainbow yelled.

Felicia laughed and twirled her hair. See? This is total mean girl behavior. "Why should I?"

Just then Brittney handed Felicia the jars, and before she could open them, dark black appeared. Dark black that looked similar to Rainbows powers! Her black magic.

Felicia flinched and dodged the black ooze coming from Rainbow. Then Gold used her elemental "rock" move.

"Ohh.. so you wanna fight, huh?" Felicia giggled. She looked back and the jars where on the floor. "Then let's fight!"

Funneh ran up to Brittney and kicked her before Brittney could react. That pushed Brittney back a bit and Felicia unbothered.

Lunar and Draco seemed to be going after their powers to get them out. Funneh, Rainbow, Gold, Alec and Aly had to distract.

Funnehs horns started glowing blue. After a good two seconds, she was able to shoot out her blue fire.

Felicia and Brittney dodged, but dodging was a mistake. That allowed Lunar and Draco to get behind the desk (which was now catching fire), and get their powers.


Lunar and Draco had gotten their jars, and drank out of them. Their eyes had glowed and stopped glowing. "It worked!" Lunar yelled.

"Same!" Draco said.

Lunar made a potion of weakness while Draco made flames around the door they came through. It was so they could stop scientist from getting in.

However that put a limit to their fight. The place would eventually burn down.

"Move out of the way!" Lunar said, throwing the weakness potion onto Felicia and Brittney.

"Guys! We're running out of time! The place will burn soon!" Funneh yelled. She still had her fire being thrown at Felicia and Brittney.

Gold sighed, "How do we stop them?!"

The Krew was so busy fighting that they forgot Alec and Aly where still here.

So Aly stepped forward. "You can't. Only something.. big.. could really do anything.'

"What do you mean?" Draco asked.

"Can't you tell?" Alec said. "This whole time, everything you all had done to them came off as a scratch."

The Krew hardly noticed. Then Rainbow stepped forward. Felicia and Brittney where still trying to stop the flames and dark magic around them.

"We have to do something big." Rainbow spoke.

"Well, what?" Lunar asked.

Rainbow was hesitant to say this, "this is really dangerous, but.. we have to explode this place."

Everyone looked confused. How where they supposed to explode this place? Plus it seemed to risky.

"We have to combine our powers together." Gold said, starting to understand the idea.

"But if we combine, we have a 50% chance we could die too! Especially Alec and Aly." Funneh pointed out.

Lunar sighed. "Well, at least we can die as the people who saved others from torture."

Felicia laughed, "I can hear everything! You guys are too scared to do it."

That's when they knew what had to be done.

Funneh started by using her fire and her horns where glowing. Then Gold joined in and her marks began glowing too. Lunar came next and a glowing spell book appeared. Draco's horns and wings glowed green.
Lastly, Rainbow came in and dark black started appearing everywhere.

It was a good 10 seconds before everything went white. And the last thing heard or seen by any of the Krew members was a loud explosion.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Ok ngl, the end was bad 😭😭

Idk how to write fight scene and so it sucked, ik.

Tbh I didn't know what I was doing throughout this whole story, I just kinda wrote things and hoped it made sense

Anyways TYSM for reading! So close to 300 reads!! Which I'm kinda sad it was this book because out of all books I started, this one was my worst

But I'm not ungrateful! I'm so glad I had a book that some people enjoyed! No matter how bad it was.

Now I gtg and write the prologue!

Ily all!!!!

-author Sydney<3

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