7: The new place..

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{Chapter 7}
(Draco POV)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

It's been a week since we moved into The New Place. The New Place is a backup laboratory, or so that's what I overheard.

Not all experiments had been moved, some lower-classed ones stayed back at the other place. Although middle or higher classes moved here or any of those who they believe where apart of our plan.

But hey, look on the bright side! Funneh escaped, and I can guarantee that she'd come back to save us!

I mean.. she wouldn't leave us! Or.. no, she just wouldn't. Right?

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

It was finally lunch time. The only problem was the fact boys ate only with boys and girls ate only with girls.

That meant, no contact to my sisters. However! That doesn't mean we can't develop a very strategic, smart and awesome communication system!

For anyone who hasn't known, I'm a dragon. My sniffing has improved, meaning I can smell really well. I went to the lunch room on the first day, and sniffed for my sister's only to realize our lunches had been split. However! They had lunch before us, and I smelt where they had originally sat.

See where I'm going with it? I smelled their seat (which sounds incredibly disturbing), and that was now my assigned seat. I was able to carve secret messages under the table with my claw.

Tbh I wasn't expecting it to work.. but I got a message back the next day.

"Why do you always check under the table?" Evan asked. Right, he was also moved here for suspicions on him helping us with the escape.. basically all our friends where here.

I shrugged, "No reason."

Just like that Evan and Kyran both ducked their heads under the table, that's when Evan said, "No way! Are you speaking to someone through-"

I immediately covered his mouth. I shushed him and I think he understood.

"What is it?" Senpai questioned.

"Secret communication, to my sisters," I responded, of course in a whisper.

"Ooooh cool! Can you write hi to them, from me?" Evan pleaded, crossing and connecting his hands.

I shook my head, "No, there's only so much space."

Evan sighed. Kyran pat his back and still had that mask on stopping him from talking.

"What are you guys talking about?" Senpai questioned, confused.

"Nothing much, just information we found out." I stretched my arms out. I guess I was kind of tired because I didn't really sleep much lately.

Me and the boys talked for a bit, before the speakers went off, announcing we must return to our rooms.

My room was empty, cold, boring and depressing to say the least. At least the other place had a glass window. They simply watch us through cameras here.

This was my life, I guess. Better get used to it.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
(Lunar POV)

"Lunar?" I heard a voice outside of my cell, it was a scientist. "It's your time."

Great. My turn for an experiment. Except it wasn't an experiment. I was thrown into one of those questioning rooms. I was placed in a chair by one of the guards and in front of me was a girl with black hair and red eyes.

"Hi there, Lunar!" The girl cheerfully waved from the other side of the desk. "I'm Dr. Aly. But I prefer when people just call me Aly."

"You look a little to young to be a scientist, huh?" I mumbled.

I took another look at her and I saw some sort of resemblance. But who? Who did she remind me of.. the hair is straight, and the eyes are.. aha! Alec. She reminds me of Alec.

"That's because I am too young." Aly blurted. She didn't really seem to care what she said. "I am only here because Alec is sick and can't take the interview."

I rolled my eyes. Knew it. She was that monster's brother.

"Don't call my brother a monster!' Aly yelled, then covered her mouth. Wait, I didn't even say anything out loud, did I?

Things where pretty silent, as I just looked at her. That's when she finally said something, "You weren't supposed to hear that.."

"I didn't think I was suppose to either."

She sighed, and straightened her papers on her desk. She cleared her throat.

"Let's start." She said. "Did you know about the escape plan, your sister, Yandere-Chan, ex-experiment Celeste, and her brother Elijah pulled off?"

I shook my head. It kind of just happened.

"Are you sure?"

I shook my head.

"And did you, by chance, happen to see the 5th person apart of the escape? Or hear?"

I shook my head again. I didn't know there was a 5th person?

She continued asking questions about the escape, which I had no answer to. She then told me to leave and called in another Krew member.

I returned back to my cell. It was weird. Most of my life, I had my siblings. But now I don't.

Draco is separated from us, Funneh is out and who knows if she'll come back! And Rainbow and Gold.. well I only get to see them at lunch.

That's when, out of nowhere, my door opened. Someone stood there.. it was.. Valerie?

That's when she grabbed me and started to suffocate me with her hands.. I was slowing losing consciousness, all I could see was Valerie's face. Then I blacked out.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Yoo what's good?


I've been rlly busy, but now I'm back, I swear! Like fr this time.

I'm back into the one chapter a week thing!

Alr tysm for reading, ILY!

-Author Sydney <3

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