Chapter 4~ Sparks to a fire

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*3rd Person*

          It had been around a day since you last had contact with anyone and had seen Bowser. Since the interaction you were given a fair meal and slept a few hours until awoken by night terrors. The dreams often portrayed you falling into lava or being tortured by a terrible monster. Even though you only got 4 or 5 hours, it was good enough to get you going for the day.
          Your only indicator of the time was how high the sun was in the sky, and by now you assumed it was around 12. Hmm, when would He come speak with you?

*Throne room*

          The bustle of koopas walking in and out of the throne room was noisy. Kamek pushed through the crowds of people.
          "You called sire"?
          "Tell the koopas here that I have stuff to attend to someplace else. Do not have anyone follow me or there will be consequences". He did not wait for a response, The King simply left the room. By this you could assume he was on his way to speak to y/n. 'Hopefully she is in a better mood than yesterday, I don't normally take shit like that' he thought to himself.


          As you paced back and forth in the room, there was a door opening in the distance and Bowser appeared in front of it.
          "I have come to speak with you". He glared and walked closer "And don't even try to pull that bullshit from yesterday".
         The memory of you yelling last night resurfaced and brought guilt with it. "Ok. But first - I am sorry, I was very scared and I just want to apologize".
         He must've been taken aback by your apology, because he actually looked surprised. "Wow uh ok then. Ahem anyways, I am here to get any information out of you as I can"-
        "Nope. Stop right there".
        "Excuse me"?
        "Where is the princess? I'm assuming she's been captured". With crossed arms you looked him up and down.
         "Well to inform you we have NOT found my fiance, and it's honestly kinda sad that you tried to save her and poor you, trapped in here all. Alone".
He puffed smoke in your face and gazed at you with his red ruby eyes.
         "First of all- She won't marry you, if she came back she would rather KILL HERSELF than marry you. Honestly it's quite pitiful how you can't seem to move on". You grazed his hand with yours through the bar. Smoke flamed through his nostrils and he looked away.
         "You flatter me Y/n. But you don't quite understand that I like my relationship".
         "Your relationship that consists of Peach always leaving you behind? That must be so hard on you, don't you want someone who can love you"? "Bowser"? For some reason you decided to play with his feelings and remind him of his very failed relationship. To add on to this, you slowly agonizingly traced circles on his hand, not quite looking him in the eyes. Hopefully he got a good time out of this, it could be one of your only chances to get out of this cage and stop him along with finding the princess who decided not to save you- but to run.
          You could see sparks and smoke in his expression, his face heating up. He was clearly flustered and since he's been hooked on peach the last few years he Had to be touch starved. "Your attempts at... Whatever you are doing, will not work, it seems I should leave you now and give you more time. I- I will return tomorrow". He made his way out the door.
         It made you laugh a bit at how easily it was to fluster the Great koopa king and make him lose his scary, loud demeanor. However, the longer you thought about him, the more you considered seeking him as a romantic partner.
        You audibly gasped "WAIT what am I thinking? He kidnapped my friend and I'm only doing this to try and get out of this god forbidden cage".
*Bowser's chambers His POV*

          He walked back and forth and tried to clear his head. "What on earth were they doing? Why would they do that? Was it som alternative escape plan? There's no way they have feelings for me. Right? I hope not, I'm engaged to princess peach and soon the mushroom kingdom will be mine".
         I've pondered for a long time if this is what I truly wanted but those were all moments of weakness. There is no way I could lose interest in princess peach I mean she has more than any woman.
-A kingdom
         Uhh, well I guess I'll figure out if shes nice once we marry? Gah! Look at this nobody trying to tell me who I love and what I need.
         The koopa king went to sleep and tried to forget the whole ordeal with y/n. One of the worst things is that they probably saw him as a soft shelled pushover BUT THEY WERE WRONG! He was a fierce king who demanded respect and got what he wanted when he wanted. (except for a lover).
*Peach's POV*

          I was already halfway to the mushroom kingdom when the guilt of leaving Y/n struck me down. I was a good princess,person, everything! How could I leave them behind like that? What kind of person abandons people they care about? Then again what kind of person tries to save their friend with no plan or training. One part of me wanted to leave them and forget the whole situation but the better- bolder side wanted to show that no good, lizard headed FREAK who was in charge. However I have to save   y/n all without getting seen, caught, married and locked up. Oh boy, this is sure to be fun.

End of chapter 4

Writers note
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I tried to craft it with anything I could find to try and keep you guys interested. It's a little short but hey! I gave you guys something good. Right? (Comment or vote And let me know how I'm doing)

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