Chapter 8~A new feeling

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*Bowser's chambers*

As I opened my eyes to another day I realized I had slept in. It was already 11:30 and I hadnt checked on the princesses capture. Although, I trust my gaurds did their job and collected her well just as I told them to. Tomorrow I was supposed to be getting married and close to none of the preparations had been completed; And not only that but I had the Incident last night and instead of driving my thoughts of y/n away it only made me want them more. I choked on sparks as I thought of their touch and the way they spoke to him.
"Damnit GET OUT OF MY HEAD"! It's not like I didn't want Y/n but I cant have feelings for 2 people and then marry one. "Although- NO! IM MARRYING PEACH AND THATS FINAL"! Out of anger but mostly confusion, I punched the wall and carried on with my daily routine of putting on the heavy collar and brushing my messy hair back with my claws. Alright fine I told myself. "I'll just pop into their chamber for a minute and then carry on with my preparations".


I walked into the cold stone room. They were kinda just sitting on the floor talking to themselves. I really hoped this wouldn't be awkward after last night's happenings.
"Look, I know that I'm a prisoner to you but when can I be let out of this cage? Not even outside I just need more space to walk around in than this small space and also I'm not sure if you noticed but I need a FUCKING SHOWER".
It was true, their hair was particularly messy and half dirty which made me assume that they had attempted to wash it in the halfway decomposed sink. And it was the day before my wedding so maybe I could just let them out for today and get cleaned up?
"Y/n. Since it is the day before my wedding and you're supposed to attend. I'll grant you a new living space and an outfit arrangement to change into". Oh God what was I doing.
"Really! I mean uh- thank you King Bowser". They bowed before me and popped up quickly. "I promise I won't intrude on anything and I'll stay in the room like I do now". Y/n was very excited and it made me happy to see them so overjoyed. However it brought me yet another feeling I don't feel very often besides anger and fury. It was compassion.

*Y/n's new room*

I had sent for one of my guards to clean my prisoner a new room. Their new room was prepared while they were bathed and dressed. It was much like mine but instead a queen bed instead of a king and a smaller bathroom.
"I'm pleased to say that this should be to your liking. If it is not then jump off that balcony there because you'll go back to the dungeon. I hope y/n liked my attempt at a joke, however they stared at me like they thought I was serious.
"It is more than to my liking. It's beautiful, I've only seen a room like this back at peaches castle. The toads wanted her to have a better space than everyone, so only shes enjoyed luxuries like this. Wow"!
Did they really just say they had never seen a room like this? I learn more about Peach everyday. Good God. I guess now could be a good time for me to get some stuff off my chest about yesterday. Why was I ruining my perfect self image of a strong king who didn't stand down to anyone. And all for somebody who was hardly an acquaintance to me. Right?
"Y/n I need to tell you about something" they looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "About last night"-
"OH SHIT IM SORRY! look I didn't know what I was thinking and it was a spur of the moment idea that"- Bowser cut them off and spoke louder so that y/n would listen.
"WHAT- I was trying to say is that uhm that petting thing you did. I think I enjoyed it, I DON'T KNOW WHY OR WHAT YOU DID! But what you were doing. It drove me wild and just thinking about it"-. Bowser had been standing in front of y/n the whole time and started walking towards them.

You backed up as the 10 foot tall koopa walked towards you. You thought to yourself 'Did he know what he was doing'?
The back of your thighs hit the bedframe and you were now cornered between the wall and the edge of the bed. In that moment you were caught looking into his eyes which were now glazed over with an expression that showed no signs of backing down.
Bowser took one of your small hands into his own claw and pressed it against the wall above your head.
"I want you to do what you did yesterday, the same thing". He whispered this into your ear with his flamed breath that clearly showed he was restraining himself.
"As you wish Lord Bowser~ you began to graze his jaw with your open hand and he was loving it. Once again Bowser's bold gaurd was let down and he turned into the whimpering animal that had become of him the previous night.
He leaned into the touch and let out a deep growl or something of the sort.
"Mhhm~ Y/n". In a moment Bowser took your other hand in his and now had both of them which he used to push you down onto the bed beside him. He had clearly lost it and now you were going to face him.
Whispering In your ear he spoke "I want you all to myself y/n. No one else can have you". And he leaned in and grazed your lips. It wasn't a gentle kiss for but a second due to the pleased sound you let out when your lips collided together. He was so heavy on top of you but he was clearly supporting some of his weight as not to crush you.
"Mhhm Bowser~ My king". This fueled his lust and he kisses you harder than before with this time it being a passionate hold on you. Your eyes were closed but when they opened and you met his- he was clearly not satisfied. What had you done to him?
End of chapter 8

Writers note

Well... That was fun wasn't it? I hope y'all enjoyed it, don't worry, it'll continue tomorrow;) Goodnight everyone and sleep well knowing that you get the rest of this scene tomorrow night.

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