Chapter 5~That Bullshit again

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*Bowser's POV, his bedroom*

        *GASP "I woke up from a dream. It was certainly interesting it was about     Y/n; Although the longer I stayed awake the less I could remember. All that stayed was the feeling, oh God what why was I dreaming of that? As I sat in my bed it occurred to me that it probably had something to do with the interaction I had with Them. I mean it was very one sided but why would I dream of something like- that- unless I enjoyed them of their presence. That was preposterous though, if I had feelings for peach then why would I feel like this around Y/n? Oh well it's nothing".
          Bowser got ready for the day, he didn't have to do much except for combing back his hair a bit and putting on the large black arm bands and collar he wore everyday. (that's a tool that'll help us later ).He burst into the throne room, a mutual gathering place for all koopas who worked in the palace.
         "KAMEK"! The blue wizard was not in sight even though this was his usual spot to stick around.
         Just as he was called, Kamek appeared and was ready to put up with the temperamental beast for another day.
        "Your majesty, you called"?
        "I'm going to try and speak with the prisoner again. Let everyone know. And for the love of GOD! Any news on the princess"?! The loud voice boomed through the castle, his anger was apparent as the wedding was scheduled for less than a week from now.
        "Actually, there was news as of last night. Honestly it makes me a bit disappointed in your so called lovely bride". Bowser raised an eyebrow at the news. "Ahem, anyways- the princess was spotted outside the kingdoms grounds and in the direction of her kingdom".
        "Why is that disappointing news"? Kamek rolled his eyes at Bowser's ignorance.
        "Well not only is she leaving You behind but also- this". The wizard conjured up a bubble that showed feed of the holding chambers in which you were being held in. "Their own friend, abandoning them just to run home back to the pampered castle life with that Mario guy". "Sad really. Anyway I will let the folks know you are out of commission today. Make sure not to kill her this time. I saw that stunt she pulled and it looked like she found a hole in your big scary ego". The wizard poofed away before Bowser had time to destroy him for the snarky comment. He wasn't wrong but Bowser didn't want to believe that. So to keep his anger inside of him, all bottled up. He let out a punch to the very fractured wall that stood in front of him.

*Bowsers POV* *Dungeon*

          I tromped into the dungeon, prepared to keep Y/n from yelling,confusing, romanticizing or anything else they had in mind.
         "Well look who decided to join the party". They got up from the cot and came up to the gated wall.
         "Y/n, today I have decided to put my final foot down. I don't want any of these stunts you've pulled. If I ask you something you answer me. Is that clear"?
         "Uhm ok". They had a vacant expression that did not suggest any mischief was going to occur.
         "Now as you may not know, as I was not planning on telling you. The princess is back in the mushroom kingdom and I'm sure she's not gonna rescue you. I however have to send a team to rescue her because God forbid she loves me".
         The expression on Y/n's face turned to confusion then sorrow and disbelief. Most likely at the fact that their only friend had left them behind.
         "LIAR! She wouldn't do that! I said I would get to her and she was supposed to wait! I was gonna get out some way or another"! Tears ran down your face as you took in the fact that your only friend and the one person who was actually trustworthy- had left you behind in a dungeon.
         I felt sorry for you and felt my anger subside for a strange feeling, what was this? Ah yes, the feeling of feeling bad for others. Pity. Your face was pale and the more you sat shriveled up on the cold stone, the more it made me want to give you a break from the dungeon. God damn, what are you doing to me Y/n?
        The heavy door unlocked. "Come on".
         You rubbed your eyes and stared up at me. "What are you doing"?
         "I'm taking you outside, this dungeon is no good for prolonged staying and well, God above damn me for saying this but, I feel bad for you".
         "Thank you, and before you say it. I will not run. You are faster,and have more men. I would not be able to get away if I wanted to".
         You didn't want to run? That must be a cover up. There is no way you would want to stay in the dungeon alone.  But if it made you content then fine.

*Royal gardens*

          "Wow for a guy who loves darkness and fire so much you wouldn't think you had a Garden". Those were your first words as you stepped through the fence and saw the large field of flowers, fountains and wildlife.
          It was probably not the best for my self image to show a mere guest my own personal sanctuary. While it was beautiful and I cherished it well, it also suggested a very different side of me that I'm not trying to show off.
          Y/n sat on a stone bench admiring the vast array of flowers and all the colors that popped from them.As I looked at how peaceful they were I almost fell for whatever tactic it was, You Were always up to something trying to lower my guard, However this would not work this time around. I had already made myself too vulnerable in that moment last night where they tried to tell me that Peach didn't love me and other foolish nonsense. The princess did love me, haha I guess distance makes her heart grow fonder... Something like that.
*Y/n's POV*

          I sat on a stone and viewed the beautiful garden, I never would have imagined something so lovely could be created by a beast such as Bowser. Hmm,  I wonder what he's thinking of right now?
          It was very quiet but I heard the sound of footsteps and lo and behold, it was Him. Bowser sat next to me on the bench, he did not say anything and somehow the loud silence, was not awkward but instead filled with the sounds of a closed off garden which seemed to be a completely different world from the kingdom around it.
         Wow, Bowser actually looked really peaceful. The constant furrow in his brow was gone and he was actually relaxed. Why was he letting me see him like this? I liked it, a lot actually and it made me want to get closer to him and figure out what other secrets he had within.

End of chapter 4~ (BONUS CONTENT BELOW)

Writers note

Hello, I just want to thank all of you guys for all of the support I'm receiving on this story. I'm loving writing it and in honor of that I want to give some bonus content real quick.

Bowser Head cannon~

Once you finally get to know him and the kind turtle he is underneath the fire, he loves-
-scratches under the chin
-getting pet on his head and being told praises

These are some of the softer Bowser Head cannons that I have, if you guys have any ones I should keep in mind for the story comment them and I'll be sure to use them

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