Chapter 7~ That feeling again

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*Dungeon 3rd person*

          It was mid afternoon. Y/n could tell this by the placement of the sun in the sky and the busy sounds of the castle beyond these stone walls. As y/n began to remember the day before, thoughts of Bowser filled their mind.
         "Ugh it must be something with this castle". Y/n couldn't get Bowser off of her mind. This trip to save their friend had gotten a lot more complicated than what they had previously thought. While he focused on the hunt for princess peach and the supposed wedding, y/n sat in the cold dungeon waiting for the daily visit with the flaming koopa.
*Bowser's chambers*

          As Bowser's looked out on his kingdom and all it's glory, he wondered what had caused him to fall for the princess. If he did not get her today then he did not know how the wedding could even happen. But it wouldn't fail again. No- he would get her this time And control all of the mushroom kingdom! Wait, was that it? Did Bowser really want Peach for the sake of ruling her kingdom? That couldnt be right, he was in love with her. He wanted her hand in marriage and to have a lover who cared for him as much as he cared and loved them.
          "I'll bet this is all y/n's fault trying to make me feel things and whatever"! Bowser roared in frustration. Not only was his wedding going to possibly get postponed but he also had to deal with  y/n. Bowser couldn't believe it. Everyday he went in the dungeon to question the prisoner or make them say something but he always ended up getting tricked or played and didn't even realize it. The previous night however must've caused those dreams to come back, they featured the two of them and while he could never seem to remember what was happening, it was clear to him due to the lingering feelings that came after he woke up.
          "Shit, I can't believe I'm about to do this. KAMEK"!! Just as fast as Bowser yelled those words the wizard appeared in front of him.
          "Your majesty. You require my assistance"?
          "I'll kill you if you say anything or make any remarks about my next statement so just- shut up" Kamek kinda just stared at Bowser, not replying just nodding his head. "If I'm having a dream. This is a reoccurring dream, what do I do about it"?
          "Well, if it's about a certain someone or something happening in the dream then act on it. If it doesn't work out or you don't feel and sparks then oh well just give up". Kamek was a wise old koopa who cared for Bowser. Even when Bowser was just a young koopaling Kamek acted as a maternal figure.
          "What?! Ahem, nevermind. I asked for your advice and you gave it to me. Now leave". The wizard left and Bowser felt his face getting hot just thinking about acting on those feelings. Maybe he could tone it down a bit, but either way he was going to have to do something about it.

          "Ugh where is Bowser, hmph I'm bored". Y/n didn't get why he hadn't visited them yet. It was late in the afternoon and the sun was going to start setting soon. And speaking of the devil, the dungeon door flung open and in came the King himself.
          "Well, I was starting to think I wouldn't get to see anyone today, but look at you just in time for the sunset". It was true, normally Bowser came much earlier in the evening but now he was here at almost the end of the day. (He would have to see how the expedition for Peach was going later).
          "Hello y/n. I was very busy earlier and ran into issues". He of course was not going to expose himself to them and was not gonna even try to think about those feelings or urges from the reoccurring dreams.
          "Hey uhh Bowser, don't kill me for this but-can I ask you some questions"?
          "Damnit Im supposed to be the one questioning you when I come in here. But fine". He puffed sparks and flames, clearly agitated.
          "Well I was just wondering... Before you became infatuated with the princess and such. Did you ever love someone like truly loved"? God damn y/n for asking him such a question and as it left their mouth they automatically knew it was a bullshit idea.
          He clearly hated the idea of answering such a bold question but if Bowser wanted these thoughts and feelings to go away then he would have to tolerate the smart ass and dumb remarks.
          "Once. I was practically a child and we were supposed to be betrothed but her family deemed my kingdom unfit at the last moment and I never fell for anyone after that. Until peach I guess". Bowser looked away and watched the sun set on another day in his kingdom. (Another day gone without the princess).
          " I didn't know you would answer me but that actually explains a lot
          "Excuse me"??! He did not like that and raised an eyebrow while keeping his cool. 'just put up with y/n and the feelings would go away' Bowser thought to himself.
          "Well, just let me see something really quickly".
          "Does this involve more of your manipulation tactics"?
          "My what? Anyway no it's nothing to trick your mind. Just come here I wanna see something".
         Bowser got up to the bar that separated y/n and him and then bent down to their level. "What is it"?
         "I'm just gonna see your response to something". Y/n got close to the bar where he was crouched down for the small human. They began to scratch underneath his chin and slowly pet him as well. Y/n didn't look up for a minute while petting his soft scaled skin. "Tell me when to stop if you don't like it". After realizing that Bowser stopped answering, y/n looked up. Bowser's face was red and smoke was flaring out of his nostrils. He was making almost a quiet whimper that he was holding back. Did he want them to stop?
          "Y-y/n". He tried to get a word out but couldn't as they continued to drive him mad by slowly scratching under his chin. "P-please" He didn't know if he really wanted them to keep going or if he wanted them to stop.
           "For a big strong king like you Bowser I expected you to be able to handle this". Y/n stopped petting him and started gently grazing their hand over his features; around his horn and across his jawline. This causes Bowser to buckle and he knelt down on the ground. While kneeling he tilted his large dragon head to face the ceiling, and looked away from   y/n as they drove Bowser mad with feelings he hadn't felt in way too many years . His fists were down by his sides trying not to do anything he would regret later.
          "Y/n, y-you should stop. Please". He looked down at y/n and he was a flustered mess.
          'Oh I messed him up... Uh oh' y/n thought as they looked at his disheveled figure.
          "I have to leave". Bowser tried to stand up And had trouble bringing himself to his feet without wanting to go back. But he remembered that he was the koopa king which meant he was a raging beast that didn't buckle or fold for anyone. "Well. I hope you figured out what you needed". As Bowser left the dungeon and made his way to his own chambers he tried not to think of the feeling they left on him.

*Bowser's bedroom*

         To cool himself after almost burning from the inside out, Bowser stood on his balcony. Not only did he now know what wanting and lust felt like. But he also knew that he wanted Y/n to himself and only himself.
End of chapter 7

Writers note

Well everyone I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter. I got to work early tonight to make sure y'all got a good chapter. Goodnight everyone and look out for chapter 8.

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