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Wednesday March 103:25pm

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Wednesday March 10

It's been days and you've gotten close with the three boys you met, especially notti. You were walking on the sidewalk with notti in comfortable silence,"You never told me your real name y'know..",you mumbled,"Ye and ima keep it that way lil girl.",notti smiled.

You huffed then crossed your arms furrowing your eyebrows,"Unless you can guess..my name starts with an E by the way.",notti gave a clue. "Let me guess..is it a basic white name?",you asked.

He clicked his tongue before responding,"It's definitely not a basic white name, your name is based off a perfume brand.",notti let out breathy laugh. "Uhm actually it's more than perfume at chanel.",you rolled your eyes playfully.

"Oh so you like chanel too huh?"notti asked, you turned your head looking at him who was facing forward, you stared at his side profile admiring him for a few seconds, he pulled you towards him snapping you out of it. "My nigga you almost ran into the pole.",notti laughed.

"Oh shit, my fault.",you sighed in relief,"I saw you starin.",notti smirked, you rolled your eyes then replied,"I was looking at something else that was literally close to your face back there.",you pointed at a random place.

"Chanel, you just pointed out chanel.",notti pursed his lips before turning his head looking back at you. You shrugged then continued to walk leaving notti behind,"Nigga don't leave without me.",he said before catching up to you. "So your name..is it ezekiel?",you asked,"What- hell no, good guess doe.",he patted your back.

"My name is ethan..call me notti around other people doe.",he smiled, you stared at his billion dollar smile that made you feel so light,"Ight.",you nodded smiling warmly. Notti wrapped his arm around your shoulder then started rapping a song you never heard of,"Scream rpt you get put in the list, in the cab, look back he got sent to the sky and he aint comin back RAHH RAHHHHH!!",notti screamed out the last words. You let out a laugh as he swayed side to side with you as he started to laugh.

"Cmon you know that was fire.",notti smiled,"Yeah you spittin bars or whateva.",you giggled,"Ayo doe follow me.",notti said before pulling you somewhere. You and him made it to a house you weren't familiar of.

"If you wonderin then this is where I live.",notti said,"Oooh.",you realized then notti pulled you inside the house and closed the door behind you locking it,"You want sumn to eat or drink?",notti asked,"Uhh yeah you got goldfish?",you asked.

Notti nodded as he leaded you to the kitchen, you saw dd roaming through the pantry,"Ayo pass me the goldfish",notti called out to dd, dd looked over at notti noticing you. "Oh shit wassup chanel?",dd said.

"Nun much..",you replied, dd tossed over the goldfish to notti, notti handed you the bag then you smiled,"Thanks",you said,"Mhm",dd hummed. "Ay go in the hall ddot in my room on the left second door",dd said.

"Oh ight",you said before going into the hall but you heard dd and notti talking so you decided to be nosy and listen,"She don know about our career does she?",dd asked. "No..I plan on telling her soon",notti shrugged,"You better hope she the right friend..",dd mumbled as notti walked off going straight to the hall. You cursed under your breath then hurried into dd's room.

"Ayo you good coco?",ddot asked as he looked at you, you noticed he was making a tiktok then you hopped in it,"Yeah I'm good broski!",you said before dancing your ass off. "Ayyyy!",ddot cheered you on. The sound ended then you stopped dancing panting.

Ddot grabbed his phone then watched the tiktok, you came up from behind on your tippy toes watching it as well,"I did good",you said as you breathed into ddots ear,"AH! DAMN GIRL!",ddot got scared,"Oh my gosh..DID I SCARE YOU?!",you started to laugh at ddot and he furrowed his eyebrows,"Quit playin with me lil b-..girl!",ddot slipped up on his words.

You didn't notice because of your laughter, tears swelled in your eyes as you continued to laugh, notti and dd came into the room staring at you,"The fuck happened?",dd asked. "I scared this pussy boy!",you said as your laugh died. You caught your breath then wiped your eyes.

The three started staring at you, you looked around then started to eat the goldfish,"Come on chanel we gon go to my room",notti said, you nodded then followed him to his room.

You and him watched a movie as you both ate the goldfish, you accidentally grabbed his finger when digging into the bag,"Ayo that's my finger bro.",notti looked over at you, you let go of his finger,"Shit, my fault.",you laughed before looking over at him, you both were closer than you thought.

You both made eye contact in silence, you started to lean in and so did notti, you both connected lips then you tilted your head to the side for more access. You pulled away from the kiss as your face felt hot,"I'm really jackin you chanel..I wanna be us to be somethin y'know? Even if I moved to fast on this..I was interested in you the first time I saw you walking down that street.",notti whispered to you pushing a strand of your curly/straight hair behind your ear as he placed his hand on your cheek caressing his thumb against your cheek.

"Ethan..I don't know.",you mumbled,"Just know my answer will be positive..when I'm ready I'll come to you.",you smiled, he nodded then sighed,"I just noticed..your hair is fuckin nappy boy!",you shouted,"Do it then!",notti replied.

"Ight, what cha want? Braids?",you asked, notti nodded,"You got a flat iron? Shampoo? Conditioner? Heat protecter? Leave in conditioner? Blow dryer? Hair spray? A wrap for your hair?",you asked. He nodded.

"Uh what cha need all this for?",he asked pointing at everything as you were both in the bathroom with everything on the sink,"Because I'm gonna silk press yo hair?",you looked at him confusion,"Oohhhhh..",he realized then chuckled,"My bad my bad.",he apologized,"Mhmmmm..",you hummed then you started to follow instructions doing his hair.

"Doneee! I'll braid your hair when your hair is fine and silky!",you smiled,"Let's goooo!",notti hugged you from behind happily while swaying you side to side with him, you laughed with him then your laughs soon died as you both looked at each other in the mirror. "We would be a cute couple..not pushin you doe, I'll wait fo you",notti explained.

"Promise you'll wait for me?"


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