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Monday July 93:15pm

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Monday July 9

You've been with notti for quite a bit which made you happy a lot although it's only been three months, you still felt like it was forever with him in a good way.

Earlier dd left with notti to go hang out while you and ddot was kicking back smoking a joint with each other while watching the news for no entire reason yall just wanted to watch random shit.

You heard the front door open then looked over seeing dd coming into the house closing the door behind himself,"Where notti at?",you asked and dd looked over at you,"Oh, I wanted to come back home but he wanted to stay out and he told me to come back home so..",dd licked his lips feeling them get dry.

"You left him...alone?",you asked with a look of not understanding dd making ddot look at you concerned,"Yeah..?",dd tilted his head confused.

"Oh nah bro, I'm going out to look fo him.",you said getting up,"You not gon finish this with me my heart?",ddot asked and you looked at him shaking your head then walked off to the front door opening it and stepped out the house closing the door behind yourself.

You looked around everywhere for notti then you called his phone but he wouldn't answer, after a moment you went back in the house since it was hot but as soon as you walked in your heart stopped.

You stared at the tv as your breath turned shaky,"14-Year old stabbed in a subway, it looked like a broom and a knife were left in the scene, the accused suspect is a 15-year old.",the reporter explained.

You ran out the house and the boys followed behind you as you all panicked going over to the subway.

You all made it catching your breaths then the policemen escorted you three to the police car where notti was in,"Why the hell is he in here?! Take him to the hospital!!",you screamed at the police.

"Ma'am, there's nothing I can d– YOU CAN TAKE HIM TO THE HOSPITAL!!",you yelled shoving the police,"You have no right to put your hands on me!",the police argued back shoving you away from out his face making ddot get involved.

"Ayo don't touch at her! How would you feel if you was in ha shoes bitch?!",ddot pulled you back mugging the police then shoving him,"I said do not touch me!!",the police pulled out a taser.

"Nigga you think you can hit on her cause she a girl?!",ddot kept going because he didn't appreciate how you were disrespected when you were going through something seeing your own boyfriend, best friend bloody.

"How the fuck would YOU FEEL IF YOUR HOMIE WAS RIGHT IN THE COP CAR DYING BECAUSE NO ONE IS TAKING HIM TO THE HOSPITAL NIGGA?!",ddot screamed as he raged while tears streamed down his eyes.

You started to sob covering your face and dd was just staring at notti and he never moved once, not at all, no reaction. No face expression.

"Did you set him up chanel..?",dd asked making you remove your hands from your face looking over at dd who finally turned around staring at you,"What– why the hell would I?!",you shouted as strings of saliva was in your mouth.

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