4 flashback-Christmasts

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2nd Pov

Flashback years ago when you two are young.

You and Alex Has walking together while he was holding your hand it was christmas today.

"Alex Where we going?"you said he took a glance to you "To my house i'll invite you over!" he excitedly said
"But i was the first one who ask you
to go in my house"you sound dissapointed but alex stop pulling you "Then this is the deal we'll going to do..we are going to my house and after that we'll going to your house deal?"he says and you nod.

After you entered to alex house you amized of what u just saw just now
his house full of designs like ballons and his toys is in the floor in front of us.

"Wow so beautiful and and cool!"you said, you heard alex giggled and called his mom

"Hello y/n! welcome!"alex mother welcomed you with her hug.

"H-hello Ma'am"You politely said.

"come in y/n! and alex prepare the candies and foods i prepared and put them to our Dining room "Alex mother said

He lazily nod before he walk away he took a glance in you and rolled his eye
'what was that?'you thought, you felt the hands behind your shoulders and when you look behind it was alex mother smiling to much

"y/n follow me i have a something to tell you"she push me gently till you and her goes to the kitchen we saw alex picking all the foods to their dining room, Alex mother she walk close to her son Alex "Alex make it fast and don't come back here in the kitchen and you gotta sit in the dining room and wait"she help her son to pick all the foods to the dining room.

minute later alex mother comes back and smiles again to you "y/n come here"she whispered, probably to not alex heard you walk closely in her
"I think my son likes you"she suddenly said your eyes widened of what you heard "uh..uhm-"you speechless only alex mother laugh "just kidding anyways since it's christmas and i didn't make alex birthday celebration so i wanted him to give him a surprise together with you"You happily smiled and excitedly nodded.

Alex mother will be holding the cake and you'll need to turn off the lights.

you look to each other eyes and giggled, You turned off the lights that make alex panic "Mom! the lights has turned off!"he shouted
"I know! bring me some flashlights i'll fix it!"alex mother said

now you and his mother stand close together only the candle has being the only the lights around, and you ready the camera and waiting for him to appeared.

When you heard his footsteps getting close making you more fun to take.

"Feliz cumpleaños! Alex (Happy birthday!)" alex jump in surprised
after that you and his mother laugh of his face in surprise and you take a picture of it.

"Hey move it y/n!"he said
his mother move the cake infront of him "Make a wish my son!" Alex look at his mother and he smile happily even his teeth has been seeing
"Thank u mom this is the great birthday in my life!" His mom pouted
"Son you always saying that your birthday is great" he giggled "Because it's really it is mom! i love u" he kissed his mother cheek "ow~ i love u too you're growing so fast" his mother making a jokingly crying that makes alex laugh.

And he closed his eyes and after he blow his candle and we claps our hands.

Y/n pov

'They are so sweet!' i thought

"Y/n! Come here and give me those camera you holding"His mother said and i give the camera and to my surprised Alex comes closer to me while holding his cake.

i look at his face


There's suddenly a flash cames at our faces his mother took a picture while i was looking at his and not i did not know she was taking a picture!

"Another one y/n and Alex smile!"his mother says happily

and without of thought i look at the camera and smiles together ear to ear


A/n:Hello everyone i hope you enjoy reading!

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