Chapter 5: Talking

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One word. That one word that never leaves my mind. Always.

Before he got here I was able to block it out and think of something else. But now, he's here standing in front of me. It's not leaving.

Seeing him standing in front, I now realized how much I missed him.

"So Katniss how abo-" I turn towards Johanna and see her eyes are wide.

She walks toward me. "Hi, I'm Johanna." She puts her hand out.

"Peeta." He shakes her hand and smiles.

"Well I'll leave you two." She nods.

She comes back to me. "I'll see you in a little bit?" She smiles.

"Yeah." My voice cracks. Then she's gone.

I can feel the air in the room get tense. Oh how I just want to hug him, kiss him, hold him.

"How have you been?" He asks.

"I've been okay." I nod.

"You want to sit down and talk?" He looks at the table.

"But I'm working." I say, shyly.

"There's nobody here except you and me." He smiles.

Now that he said that I relies we are the only two here. Except Haymitch in the back.

"Alright." I whisper.

We sit down at the table. I look up and see him staring at me.


"I missed you. I didn't expect to find you here." He smiles.

I just stare into his blue eyes. I can't break my eyes from his.

What finally breaks my stare is him talking. "You still wear the necklace I gave you?" I nod.

He smiles. I see his cheeks get a little red.

"So why are you here?" I ask.

"Well I live here again. I got tired of living in District 2 so I came back."

My mind goes back to the day he left. I feel tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I blink them away and look at him.

"You were my life, Peeta. Then you leave me for five years!" A tear slips from my eye, but I wipe it away quickly.

"Kat-" I shake my head.

"Peeta. I loved you." More tears fall.

I wipe my tears away and hear the door open.


I look up to see Finnick. He walks over to me and kisses me. A tear slips from my eye.

"What's wrong?"

I wipe my tear away. "Well one of my friends from a long time ago is here. I haven't seen him in five years so I just got upset." I kiss his cheek.

Finnick looks at Peeta. "Finnick." He sticks his hand out.

Peeta grabs his hand. "Peeta."

I can't look at Peeta. I feel like if I do I'll see hurt in his eyes. Sadness? Anger?

I finally look at him. Instead of seeing one emotion. I see all three. Anger, sadness, and hurt. He's hurting because he sees me with another guy.

More tears fall. "We should get you home." Finnick wraps his arm around my waist.

"Nice to meet you." Finnick says.

Peeta nods. "You too." Then he looks at me.

"I'll see you around." He smiles slightly.

Then we leave.

It feels like him leaving is happening all over again.

And it's breaking me.

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