Chapter 13: I Love You

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Marvel comes back with our drinks moments later, still staring at me.

I see Peeta eyes on Marvel the whole time we order. Marvel goes back after he gets our orders. I look at Peeta and he looks at me.

"We can go if you want." I whisper to Peeta, putting my head down.

That Marvel guy just ruined everything.

"No, no it's fine. Let's just enjoy it." He grabs my hand. I look down at our hands then at him. I smile.

After we eat, we get up and walk to the door. Only to see Haymitch, surprisingly sober.

"Hey sweetheart." He smiles at me and hugs me. I hate that nickname. We pull away and I scowl. "Don't call me sweetheart." But he only smiles.

He looks at Peeta. His eyes widen. "Your back!" He envelops him in a hug. He only smile.

"So you are you two love birds back together?" We look at each other. "Nope." I stare at Haymitch, knowing Peeta is staring at me.

"Well I should let you two go, it was nice seeing you both." He smiles at us. He's smiling?

"It's nice to see you sober." He smiles and hugs me. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me."

I smile and kiss his cheek. "Thank you."


"One more place we have to stop by." He doesn't look at me when he says this.

But his hand reaches over and rest on my thigh. I blush and feel my body heat up.

We arrive at a gate. I now know where we are going. Of course Peeta would go here, I smile.

The Meadow.

We walk to the meadow and sit down.

I then look at him. We have been here to many times together, I smile.

I relies I've been staring to long and see his blue eyes looking into my grey ones. My face heats up and I look back at the sky, which now has stars.

After a while he speaks up. "Do you remember the last night we had together and we sat in the back of my truck looking at the stars?" He turns his head towards me.

I honestly didn't think he would remember that. It was so long ago. "I didn't think you would remember." I mumble.

His eyebrows knit together. "Why wouldn't I remember?" I then look at him.

His blue eyes that I find staring at me at random times, but when I look at him his eyes flit away. Just like they did in school.

Then he understands why I think that. "You don't think I love you?" I look down.

I didn't really think he ever did. Look at me for starts. I'm not pretty. I'm actually very skinny. My personality is horrible. I never thought a guy like him, perfect and have no flaws, would love a girl like me.

"I never really thought you loved me. I mean I did but there was always that part of me telling me that you didn't." I say, looking around.

Looking anywhere but at him. "Katniss. Look at me." I still don't look at him. I know if I just catch a glimpse of his perfect ocean blue eyes, I'll melt.

Then his hands find my face and he turns my head towards him. My eyes meet his and I melt. I love him. Nothing could ever make me stop loving him.

"Katniss Everdeen, I would go to the ends of the earth to tell you how much you mean to me." He pauses. "Your everything to me. These past few weeks have been rough, because all I want to do is kiss you. To hold you. To have you in my arms forever and never let you go." He licks his lips. I know what he wants.

"I love you, Katniss Everdeen. I've said it before and I'll say it now. But I love you. Your my whole world." Then his lips crash onto mine.

Heat rushes up my body. His warm lips are finally back on mine. I pull away, he leans forward but I pull back and smile.

"I love you, Peeta Mellark." I kiss his lips. "Everything about you I love." I kiss his nose. "And I'm unbelievable thankful for you in my life." I feel tears fall down my face, but I don't wipe them away.

"I'm never letting you go, Katniss." He wraps his arms around me and we fall back into the grass. I smile and look up at him.

The stars shine brighter than ever before. I smile again. He then points at the sky. "How many did you count?"

I look up at him and smile. "To be honest, I gave up." He smiles.

"How many did you count?" He smiles down at me.

"I also gave up." I then feel a tear slip from my eye. He wipes it away and kisses my nose.

"I'm never letting go of you." He whispers.

"I love you so much, Peeta Mellark." I smile up at him.

"I love you too, Katniss Everdeen." He kisses me and rest his forehead on mine.


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