Chapter 15: Johanna

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*5 months later*

Peeta is the best thing that has ever happened to me. We have been together for seven months now, these seven months have been the best with him.

I snuggle closer into Peeta's chest and he starts to stir. "Shh." I put my finger to his lips. He nods and drifts back to sleep.

I smile up at him, knowing he is still awake. "I know your awake." I whisper, kissing his neck. His eyes open and he smiles. "Good morning, baby." He kisses my forehead.

"It is a good morning." I nod and look down at his bare chest. He notices and smirks. "Like what you see?"

My eyes find his. "Oh yes." He leans in and kisses me, this kiss has more passion into it. He rolls me on my back and his hands find my waist.

I kiss back with more passion and hunger. He pulls away and rest his forehead on mine.

His eyes show desire. "Katniss." He whispers kissing my neck, making his way down my body.

His hands start to rip off my shirt, but we hear a knock on the door. I groan and throw my head back. "Soon." He whispers in my ear before putting a shirt on and going down stairs.

I lay in bed thinking what we could have done. Would I want to do that with him? Marriage is another thing that pops in my head. The thought of marriage makes me shiver. Devoting yourself to another person and saying you will love them no matter what is a big decision.

Peeta calling my name, wakes me from my thought. I get up and put on sweat pants and walk downstairs.

My eyes land on a girl with black hair with a red streaks, and brown eyes. I know who it is.

"Johanna?" Her eyes find mine and she smiles. "Brainless." She nods and smirks at me.

I scowl at her. She knows how I hate the nickname she gave me. "What brings you here?" I ask.

"Just wanted to see you. I missed you Brainless." She whispers the last part and I smile. I walk towards her and hug her. "I missed you too, Jo."

I feel something kick my stomach and I pull away, looking down at my stomach. Then I look at Johanna, her eyes are wide.

"Jo?" I look at Peeta then at her. She looks down. "There's another thing I have to tell you."

Her brown eyes meet my grey ones and I see fear. "What is it?" I ask, calmly.

"I'm pregnant."

I'm taken aback. She's pregnant? I never would of thought Johanna, out of all people, would get pregnant. "I know, you never thought I would." She looks down and I see a tear escape from her eye.

"Hey, shh." I hug her.

I look at Peeta to also see his eyes are wide. My eyes wander to him then to the oven. He gets what I mean and starts to make breakfast.

Another question pops in my head. Who's is it? "Johanna?" She looks up, her eyes red and puffy.

"Who's is it?"

She pulls away from me and walks to the kitchen table. I sit down and she sits beside me. "Gale's." She whispers.

Gale. "How long?" She shakes her head. "Two months."

"Have you told him?" More tears fall from her brown eyes. "No." She mumbles.

"Johanna. You have to tell him." She looks up at me, her eyes show fury. "What if he leaves me! I can't lose him! I can't take care of a baby myself!"

"Shh." I take her hands in mine. She looks up. "I know Gale, he's like a brother to me. He wouldn't leave you, Jo." She wipes her tears away and nods.

"I'll tell him tonight." She whispers, hugging me. "I'm here for you Jo. Me and Peeta both." She laughs.

"How are you and Peeta?" I smile at her. "Good." I look over to see Peeta, taking little glances over at us.

"He really does love you." I smile. "You can see it in his eyes. The way he talks to you. Looks at you. Acts around you. It's pure love." She whispers.

I nod. Sometimes I don't believe he does love me. But when he tells me he does, I know it's true.


Johanna leaves after eating breakfast and told me she will call me when she tells Gale.

"Katniss." I feel Peeta's arms wrap around my waist and I smile. "I love you." He whispers.

I know it's true.

"I love you too." I whisper.

He starts to kiss my neck when the phone rings. "This always happens." He mumbles.

I smile and kiss his cheek.

I pick up the phone. "Hello?"

"Katniss." I know that voice. "Finnick?" My eyes wander towards Peeta and I see he's worried. I shake my head and smile at him.

"What is it?" I ask.

I hear him breath in. Then out. "Finnick?" I say again, a little annoyed.

He finally answers, "We need to talk."

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