Chapter 17: How Could You?

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Then I see it. His eyes show love.

"Katniss, I'm still in love with you."

No. He can't be in love with me. It's been months since we broke up, and now he decides to tell me?

"Finnick." I pause, taking my hand away from his grasp. "You can't love me." He looks down, then back up at me.

"But I do. I never stopped loving you." I shake my head. This can't be happening. I love Peeta. Only Peeta.

"I'm dating Peeta." His eyes show sadness. "I'm in love with Peeta." I say, his eyes look into mine and I look down. I can't look at him right now.

Then I feel a finger under my chin. He lifts my chin up and looks at me. "No, Finnick." I shake my head. But he only grabs my face with his hands. He brings his face to mine and his lips meet mine.

I instantly push him away. "How could you?" We both look over to see Peeta. "No! Peeta it's not what you think!" I jump up running towards him.

"Well I just saw it right before my eyes." I look into his eyes. He's hurt.

"No Peeta-" He pushes me back.

"You know what." He pauses. "No." Then he walks out of the bar. I can't lose him again.

My breaths start to get short and I crouch down on the ground and walk back and forth. "Katniss." Finnick kneels next to me.

"No! Don't touch me!" Tears stream down my face. "Why Finnick? Why!" I punch his chest over and over.

"I'm so sorry Ka-"

"Save it." I sniffle. "I don't want your apology."

The door to the kitchen opens and Haymitch walks out. "H-Haymitch." I wipe my tears away.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He comes over to me and picks me up in his arms. "F-Finnick kissed m-me. P-Peeta s-saw!" I sob into Haymitch's chest.

"Hey. Shh." I shake violently. "Peeta!" I yell, kicking and screaming.

Haymitch then brings me outside. "Sweetheart." I shake my head and close my eyes.

Memories pop up in my head with Peeta. Him leaving. Kissing him. His protective arms around me. His loving hugs. Memory after memory pop up, then I open my eyes.

"H-he's g-gone." I whisper. "Shh."

"I'll take her." I hear Finnick's voice. "No!" I yell. "Don't touch me!" I yell, sitting down on the ground.

"Leave me here. I-im not w-worth it." Tears flow down my cheeks.

Finnick shakes his head. "Katniss. I wasn't thinking when I kissed you. I'm so sorry." I look down. "Please."

"No." I mumble. Then I'm lifted up off the ground by Finnick. "No! Put me down!" I look back to see Haymitch running after us.

I shake my head and he stops. He turns back around and walks back. "Kat." I look up at Finnick. "I'm so sorry." He whispers.

Maybe I should take his apology. But I shouldn't. "Finnick. I don't know." I say, looking up at him.

"It's okay. Take your time. I just want you to know I'm so so sorry." He looks down at me. My eye lids start to get heavy. One more tear falls, before I fall asleep.


"Peeta!" My whole jolts up. It's just a nightmare, Katniss. The door to the room burst open and Finnick runs in. "Finnick?"

"I heard you scream." He breaths heavily, walking towards me. Then I remember, I don't have Peeta to wrap his arms around me. My eyes start to water. Finnick see's and sits on the end of the bed.

I let my tears fall, thinking about his sweet lips on mine, his warm arms wrapped around mine, his bright blue eyes staring into my grey ones.

"Kat?" My eyes find Finnick's sea-green ones. "It's okay." I whisper. His eyebrows knit together. "About what?"

I feel like I should forgive him. Yes, I do love Peeta and I always will. But maybe, it's not meant to be. Maybe it's a sign telling me not to be with Peeta. I did last without him for many years, and I was perfectly happy with Finnick. Most of the time.

"That you kissed me. I take your apology." Then I lean in and kiss his cheek. His eyes widen and I smile. Maybe it is meant to be.

"Finnick." I whisper. My hand finds his and I pull him beside me. He lays down and wraps his arms around me, not as warm as Peeta's but at least someone is here.

"I love you, Kat." He whispers, kissing my cheek. I shake my head. It's not that I don't love him but I'm not ready to let go of Peeta.

"Time." Is the only thing I mumble before sleep takes me under.

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