Chapter 6

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Chanel's pov

I woke up to arms wrapped around my waist. I looked to my side and saw Dean sleeping with his arms lazily draped over me. I smiled and started to play with his hair.

He woke up and smiled at me.

"Morning babe," he said in his morning voice which was probably the hottest thing I've ever heard in my life.

"Morning," I smiled at him.

"Guys!!!!!!" Seth yelled running in the room.

"Jesus Seth what happened?" Dean asked.

"I've lost my title!" He screamed jumping onto our bed.

"Seth it's on the counter in the bathroom. You left it here last night," I said putting my head back on the pillow.

"Oh," he said walking into the bathroom. He walked back out holding his title and sat on the bed.

"I'm gonna get ready," I said grabbing clothes and walking to the bathroom. After I got dressed I grabbed my straightener and walked over to Seth. "Here you go sethy," I smiled at him.

He had always done my hair since we were 13. He smiled back up at me and took the straightener from me. He plugged it in and started on my hair.

"Can I do your makeup?" Dean asked.

"What?" I asked a little confused.

"I grew up with an older sister who taught me how to do her makeup so that she could get ready faster. She would do her hair while I did her make up." He explained.

"I guess so," I threw him my makeup bag. Seth was done before Dean so I was sitting her as Dean did my makeup.

"Done," he smiled at me. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Dean actually did my makeup perfectly.

"I'm impressed Ambrose," I said as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Thanks Rollins," he smirked at me.

"Hey guys we're gonna meet up with ro to get breakfast," Seth said as he looked down at his phone. Me and Dean looked at each other and nodded.

"1...2...3!" I mouthed to him. On three we ran and jumped on him. He screamed just as roman walked in the room.

"Hey Rome!" I exclaimed as he walked in the room. He laughed as he saw me and Dean on top of Seth.

"Don't tell me you attacked him without me," he smirked then jumped on Seth as well. We all laughed except Seth who pouted.

"Oh come on sethy," I said to him," give me your bicep. " He gave me his arm and I made him read the tattoo.

"If you sink," I said pointing to his arm.

"I'll sink with you," he said pointing at my arm. I smiled and hugged him.

"Love you!" I screamed at him.

"I love you too coco!" He screamed at me.

"Don't you guys love us," roman pouted. I jumped on him and Dean.

"I don't know about him but I love you guys," I said as I put my head in deans lap and my legs across Romans lap.

"I love them a little," Seth said laying his head on Romans legs and his legs across deans legs. Deans played with my hair and roman played with seths as they make fun of us.

I stick my tongue out at Seth and he did the same.

"Don't make me stop doing your hair," he threatened.

"Ok ok I'm sorry," I put my hands up in defeat. Roman laughed at us.

"He does your hair?" He asked still laughing a little.

"Yep. Dean does my makeup," Dean laughed as roman fell backwards laughing.

"Dean you do makeup?" He somehow managed to ask.

"Don't tell anybody," Dean turned to him," but yeah my sister taught me when I 13 so that she didn't have to do her own makeup," roman fell of the bed laughing causing Seth to also fall off.

Dean picked me up bridal style and ran off. I guess we were racing the other two. We got to the car and he set me down in the passenger seat then he got in the drivers seat.

"Why are we leaving without them?" I said still laughing from everything that happened.

"They shouldn't make fun of me," he laughed, "looks like we're having two dates today." I didn't even have to look at him to know he was smirking.

"I guess we are," I giggled, "what are we doing tonight?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you know would it?" He said to me.

"Booooooo!" I yelled as we pulled up to ihop causing people to look at us weird.

"What you dint like ihop?" He asked shocked.

"I love ihop, but I hate surprises," I pouted.

"Awe don't worry you'll find out soon enough," he said outing his arm around me as we walked into ihop. I stuck my tongue out at him and he tried to grab my tongue causing me to laugh.

As we were eating an elderly woman approached us.

"I just wanted to tell you two that you are a very cute couple," I blushed and was gonna tell her we weren't a couple but Dean responded before me.

"Thank you ma'am. How long have you and your husband been together?" Was Dean Ambrose being...soft?

"50 years. Since we were 16," she smiled sweetly.

"We hope to be like you and your husband and love each other for so long too," he smiled. She hugged us and walked away.

"Dean Ambrose, were you just.....soft?" I asked shocked.

"Tell no one about my soft side. Only you get to see it," he said and grabbed my hand as we walked out of the restaurant.


N= Nikki b=Brie c=Chanel

C- guys I need help getting ready for my date with Dean.

N-I'll be over in five for hair!

B- I'll be over in five for makeup!

C-thx guys!😘



Ok so while I wait for them I'm gonna get and outfit. He said casual so I already know what I'm wearing. (Outfit above)

The girls came over and got started.

Seths twin sister- A Dean Ambrose fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now