Chapter 5

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Deans pov (watttttttttt)

I'm so happy that Chanel said yes to going on a date with me. I can't let that distract me in my match tonight tho. I'm also really happy that she won that championship. On Sunday we will be the power couple.

The divas champ and the wwe champ. We got to the gorilla and seths music hit.

"See you in the ring," he said walking out with j&j.

"Ready?" Coco asked me. I smiled at her.

"Yep," I responded. My music hit and I walked out with Chanel not too far behind. I waited for her then grabbed her hand. She smiled at me as Seth gave us a death stare.

We started the match and Seth came running at me immediately. He knocked me down and started to scream I'm my face.

"You wanna take my sister?!! Stay away from her!!" He went to kick me but I moved. I started to punch and kick Seth down. Then i noticed Kane coming down the ramp.

I looked at Chanel as he got on the apron. She ran over and swiped his leg making him fall. She then picked him up and have him dirty deeds. She suddenly ran into the ring and jumped in front of me.

Seth kicked her in the face. Is she fucking crazy??!!! He looked down at her his face full of guilt. I don't think he knew she was gonna do that. I obviously jumped on him started beating the crap out of him.

"What the fuck!? " I yelled in his face.

I positioned him for dirty deeds then swung my leg back connecting his face with the mat. I went for the pin.


I had won the match. I got out of the ring and walked over to Chanel who was being checked by a doctor. Her nose was bleeding.


Chanel's pov

When we went out for deans match I knew people had questions so I went on commentary.

"Looks like we are being joined by the new divas champion Chanel Rollins. Chanel welcome," jbl said shaking my hand.

"It's a pleasure to be here," I smiled.

"Chanel when you used deans finisher what was going through your mind?" Cole asked me

"Well I was thinking I needed to put Nikki away and I can't use my actual move that I used before Seth even knew it existed so I went for the next best thing," I answered. Yeah I actually did introduce Seth to the curb stomp.

"You used the curb stomp before Seth?" King asked me.

"I did we would always wrestle in our back yard and the curb stomp was always my finisher," I smiled at the thought of me and Seth wrestling at kids.

"Uh oh looks like someone is getting involved in the match," jbl said. I looked up and saw Kane getting on the apron. I quickly set down my title, ripped off my headset, and ran to the other side of the ring.

I swept Kane's leg causing him to fall them hit him with dirty deeds. I saw Seth was ready to kick Dean so I decided to help Dean.

I jumped in front of Seth and took the drop kick. It hurt. Usually I wouldn't be phased by kicks but I think Seth was really trying to hurt Dean for some reason. Maybe to make the show more interesting?

I rolled out of the ring and the doctor came over to me.

"Chanel. What were you thinking?" Doc asked me.

"Usually I can handle kicks but for some reason that one really hurt," i told him holding on to my nose.

"Here let me see your nose," he said moving my hand, "uh oh,"

"What?!" I asked worried.

"I think it might be broken, but it might also just be bleeding a lot so don't worry I'm not positive it's broken," he told me putting gauze on my nose. I just sighed.

"What is wrong with you?!" Dean asked coming over to me and the doctor.

"Did you win your match?" I asked.

"Yeah." He looked at me confused.

"Then I succeed at what I was trying to do," I smiled at him. He shook his head and looked at the doctor who was currently cleaning the blood from my face.

"How bad is she hurt?" He asked.

"Well her nose may be broken, but it also could have just been bleeding a lot," he told Dean as we all stood up, "walk her to the trainers room,"

"Dean did as told and walked me to the trainers room where I found out that my nose was not broken it was just bleeding a lot. Me and Dean were both relieved. As soon as we walked out we saw Seth running around like a chicken who's head just got cut off.

"Seth!" I screamed stopping him. He immediately ran over to us.

"Coco I'm so sorry if I would have known you were gonna get in the ring then I would have tried to stop myself from the kick, but I got caught up in the moment and I just-" he started to ramble so I stopped him.

"Seth! I'm fine it was just a bloody nose," I hugged him reassuringly. He let out a breath he was probably holding from that rambling.

We then got approached by roman reigns.

"I thought you looked like someone i knew when I saw you on Monday," he chuckled.

"Yeah I kinda figured you thought that when you looked at me all confused. " I chuckled.

"Well you guys wanna go back to the hotel?" Seth asked.

"Yes!" I screamed running to the car. They all laughed at me but hey I'm tired. I fell asleep in the car and felt someone pick me up.

"You better take care of Dean. I ruined her life once she doesn't need it again," I heard Seth say. So Dean is carrying me. I wrapped in arms around his neck and nuzzled my head into his chest.

"Don't worry. I won't. She's different than the other girls," I could just hear his smile. Dean set me down on a bed and then I felt it dip down. I slightly opened my eyes to see Dean next to me.

I cuddled up to him and the last thing I heard before I fell asleep was,

"Goodnight beautiful,"

Seths twin sister- A Dean Ambrose fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now