Chapter 3

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Your eyes snap open as sweat trickles down your brow. You glance pensively around the room. You are in a large prison-esque cell that has been carved out of a rocky mountainside. To your right, you notice a familiar Gronkle, a Deadly Nadder, and a Monsterous Nightmare. Each of the dragons have a shackle around one of their legs and they look like they have been through Hel. You smile gently at them before turning your head to study the rest of the chamber. To your left, you see Hiccup and his Night Fury, both still out cold from the gas.

Where are you, Z? You think as a soft, pain-filled croon sounds behind you.

You do a 180, wrenching your shackled leg, as you come face to face with your dragons purple gaze. You throw your arms around her neck, not caring who sees your outburst and ignoring the calls from the other dragons as well as the shouts from outside your cell.

Crooning softly, Zyphurdrapes her neck around your shoulders, returning your warm embrace. You rub her neck gently then follow your hand around to Zyphur's left wing.

"I'm fine, Z." You answer the dragon's worried purple gaze. "It's you who needs tending to. You can't fly with that hole in your wing." You whisper, hoping Zyphur doesn't feel ashamed of her current injured status as your deft fingers dance lightly around the puncture wound.

Your concentration is broken when a scream cuts through the chamber. You look up from your work to see Hiccup scanning the chamber and calling out for his dragon.

"He's right behind you!" You call over as Hiccup's hand finds Toothless's smooth face, wrapped in a thick leather muzzle.

"There you are, Bud!" He says warmly as he gives his dragon a good rubdown. Keeping his hand on his dragon, you notice Hiccup doing what had been drilled into you.

"Where are we?" He asks.

Not sure if he is talking to you, you scoff. Maybe he's not as smart as I was led to believe. "Dragon fights!" You state forcefully as you rip some cloth off your shirt to try to quickly plug the hole in Zyphur's wing.

"We've got to get you out of here, girl. You won't last long in fight." You say sadly, not wanting to worry her yet unable to avoid the truth.

Satisfied with your quick field dressing, you finally turn to face Hiccup and find him watching the fight through a gap in the gate leading out into the ring. Staying beside your dragon, you also gaze through the gap.

You eye a Speedstinger swiftly avoiding a stinger connect to - Your eyes bug out with shock - a Triple Stryke.

The Speedstinger zips back and forth doing a good job at delaying the inevitable. There's no way that a poor little Speedstinger could possibly beat the big black and yellow creature. You watch, wide-eyed, as the Triple Stryke traps the doomed Speedstinger between its left and right tails while stinging it with the middle one that contains deadly poison. Triple Strykes look intimidating, but if you can avoid the middle tail and keep an ear out for its clicks, you'll be fine. You recall from the single lesson you had on the Triple Stryke. You had found one during one of your rescue missions with Valka. Silently, you wonder if this is the same one that you had seen that day.

Poor little guy! You think as the Speedstinger sinks to the ground, dead.

Shivering, you finally turn toward Hiccup and start to gather the courage to introduce yourself when the cell door is flung open and two burly dragon hunters march in. The imprisoned dragons start to get riled up as the two men walk closer to them. One of the men carries a long metal rod. He spins it around and slams the pointed tip on the ground with a metallic thud. The dragons cower back into a dark corner.

"That's right, you smelly beasts! You know who the boss is!" He shouts at them. You feel a rush of rage as you recognize his voice. This is the man who comentated the fight.

The other hunter gestures to Hiccup and asks, "Who's he?"

"Ah, him! He was with the Night Fury." The Fight Master explains.

"I've heard about him. He's a friend to dragons."

Of course he's a friend to dragons, you idiot! He rides a Night Fury. You think seethingly.

"Good. Then maybe he'll be useful. I've got a very special event planned this dragon." The Fight Master states as he walks menacingly up to Hiccup. Hiccup stands defensively between the Fight Master and Toothless. The Fight Master spits at Hiccup's feet. Smiling viciously, he adds, "Don't worry, my friend. I'll let you watch."

You start to go to Hiccup's aid when they turn to you. Spotting your proximity to Zyphur, they approach you threateningly.

"What about this one?" The dragon hunter asks, gesturing at you like you are an insignificant bug. "Looks oddly close to that Razorwhip."

"That one is more of a treat for the dragon's. They're starved enough, they'll eat 'em." The Fight Master laughs wickedly. "And I know exactly who's going to be in the next fight."

Both men laugh as Zyphur, noticing the smoke coming out of your ears, tries to hold you back from doing something you may regret. They both walk to the open door. "And don't touch that muzzle!" The Fight Master shouts before the door slams shut.

A few moments later you hear the Fight Master announce, "Ladies and Gentlemen, get ready! Tomorrow night, two new dragons enter the ring in a Battle Royale! Only one dragon will leave victorious. Will it be the Razorwhip?" He pauses for a moment. "Or the NIGHT FURY?!"

You hear the crowd go wild with anticipation as both you and Hiccup sink defeatedly to the ground.

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