Chapter 10

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The gates open to reveal a group of four hunters, led by the Fight Master and surrounding...

"Zyphur!" You shout happily.

You scurry over to her as fast as your wobbly legs can carry you, ignoring the hunters jeers and smirks. One of them pushes you roughly back as the gate closes behind them. You try to get past him, but it's no use. Everyone of them is bigger than you, even Hiccup and that isn't saying much.

"Stay outta the way, you little wretch!" The hunter growls at you. The Fight Master hands him a long iron tube made of bright green metal.

"Make sure you lock that manacle tight! A razorwhip's tail can cut through anything." The Fight Master states, matter of factly. The manacle closes around her tail with a soft click.

"I'll be back in a few hours to get that Night Fury." The Fight Master shouts as the door closes behind the men.

You throw your arms around Zyphur's neck. "Thank Odin! You've come back to me in one piece!" You murmur as Zyphur's nose horn rubs affectionately against your back.

You look into her sad purple eyes, noticing them starting to well up. You give her a reassuring smile as you quickly search for a cup to catch the useful substance. You, instead, find a rock with a shallow divet and gently hold it under one of her eyes, just in time to catch a small stream of tears. You lay the slightly smoking makeshift crucible aside and sooth your friend. Without thinking, you softly hum a haunting melody as you rub a hand across Zyphur's neck.

Detangling himself from the overzealous Monsterous Nightmare, Hiccup stammers, "I know that tune. Gobber used to whistle it while we worked in the forge... Until my dad got mad and told him to stop. How's it go?" He asks as he walks over to you, thinking hard, and then he starts to sing.

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas with ne'er a fear of drowning..." He starts.

"Hiccup, please don't..." You beg quietly.

"And gladly ride the waves of life, if you will marry me." He continues, not hearing your plea.

You sigh sadly, then reluctantly add, "No scorching sun nor freezing cold will stop me on my journey..."

"If you will promise me your heart..." He looks into your eyes.

Nervously, you step back and hold up your hands. "Hiccup, Stop! You love Astrid! You can't have it both ways!" You state firmly as your eyes glaze over. You reach a hand up to wipe away hot, wet tears. You look around for a place to have a private cry, but being locked in a cell with a chain around your leg, your options are nonexistant.

Gods be damned! Why am I falling for him? Does Loki have it out for me? Did I piss off Freya? Valka, forgive me! I can't do this any more!

Hiccup lays a concerned hand on your shoulder. "I know my singing is horrible, but... Y/n, what's wrong? Was it something I said? I was just singing."

I like you, ok? It's insanely difficult to be around you when I know that she'll save you and you'll fly away with her and I'll fly off to find your mom, alone. Again. Instead, you lie.

"It just brings up too many memories. A really good friend taught me that song. She taught me a lot of things." You explain, turning away from him.

"Oh..." He trails off. Tension builds in your shoulders as you wait for him to call you on your yak dung, certain that your previous words betrayed your feelings. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." He trails off again as his cheeks flush to a bright red.

Trying to save both of you from more embarassment, you pick up the rock cup you had set aside. You show it to Hiccup, who stares at it confused.

"It's a rock. Great, we're saved." He says sarcastically.

"Come on! You know me well enough by now to know that it's not just a rock." You nudge his shoulder gently.

"I don't know. It's only been a week." He smiles wanly. "My offer still stands." He adds, still smiling.

"Ok..." You think about it for a moment, living with Hiccup and his friends sounded enticing but you would have to fight with yourself daily to not intervene between the two lovebirds and you still felt duty bound to find your teacher, then say, "I know you found something called the Dragon Eye, which I still don't understand by the way, what did it say about...?" You gesture to Zyphur and pat her neck attentively. Your gaze sliding over her left wing, trying to check her puncture wound. It doesn't seem any worse, but it certainly wasn't any better.

"Razorwhip... Gods, I'm going to sound like Fishlegs... Sharp class. They have a long, spiny, barbed tail, very aggressive, very dangerous..."

"Kill on sight?" You joke. He sticks his tongue out.

"Loves sea slugs, I'm guessing that's how they caught you."

"Yup, go on."

"It can use its long tail to wrap around its victims and squeeze the life out of them.... What?" He stops when he notices you laughing. You hold up a finger as you try to compose yourself.

"Have you ever actually seen a dragon - any dragon - do that?"

"No, but you asked! I've only ever seen one other Razorwhip and I haven't gotten the chance to study it yet! Heather just joined us a few weeks ago. Can I continue?"

"By all means, Mr. Friend of Dragons." You sass as you finally pull yourself together.

"If it's in a hurry, it'll slice you in half." You stare at him incredulously. "Yeah, I didn't believe that one either."

"Anything about its eyes?" You ask pointedly.

He thinks for a minute then his eyes light up with shock. "Poisonous tears..."

"Bingo! Give that boy a kiss, Toothless!" You say sarcastically. You look over at Toothless who is busy itching his armpit. You both laugh.

Once you've calmed down, you explain, "It's not really poison though. It's more of a highly concentrated acid. Great for cutting through metal or, in the case of Razorwhips using it for themselves, to seal scales back together."

"Ok, so I guess you have a plan?" You nod quietly in response. "Care to share?"

You shake your head. "I'm still trying to figure out how she used it."

"She? Who is she?" Hiccup asked curiously.

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