Chapter 8

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The crowds disperse in the fading light as the hunters drag Toothless back into the cell, the muzzle strapped firmly back into place. One of the men throws a roll of red bandages at you as they turn to retrieve Zyphur. For some unknown reason, they roll her cage to the opposite side of the arena.

You watch her disappear behind a portcullis as a few tears slide down your cheek. Be safe, girl. Please come back to me! You pray silently before you turn to your new friends.

"Toothless, I'm so sorry. I didn't..." You kneel beside Hiccup, who is examining Toothless's hurt leg, and hand him the bandages. "That shouldn't have happened." You bow your head shamefully and your shoulders slump.

"Y/n, it's not your fault. You didn't make them fight."

"I didn't stop them either."

"Could you? Could you really have stopped all this hate?" Hiccup grabs your shoulders and makes you look him in the eye. "Look! Our dragons are alive. They made it out alive. And we WILL get out of here. Quit being..." He gestures to all of you.

"Easy for you to say!" You spit back angrily. "Toothless is right here. They've taken Zyphur Thor knows where and..." Tears spill down your cheeks again as you pull your knees into your chest. You murmur softly, "I wish I could fight instead."

Toothless nudges your shoulder then gives your cheek a friendly lick. You throw your arms around his neck as you whisper I'm sorry over and over. You keep Toothless distracted as Hiccup manages to wrap the bandage around Toothless's hurt leg then he lays a comforting hand on your back.

"We don't blame you for this. Any of it. If we were to point fingers, it would probably be at Snotlout." Hiccup jokes.

"Muttonhead?" You ask.

"Very much so, but that's beside the point." He smiles.

"Or that vile Fight Master." You add.

The cell door creaks open and you both groan.

"Speak of the devil!" You say as the Fight Master enters with a bucket full of fish. Something on his belt reflecting the torch light catches your eye.

"To the victor goes the spoils!" He states grandly as he tosses three fish at Toothless.

You see Hiccup hide one in his sleeve before he confronts the larger man. "Alright, he's fought for you, made you a nice fortune, now you need to let us out of here." He demands, angrily crossing his arms.

The Fight Master smiles harshly then replies, "Why would I do that? When word gets out that I have a Night Fury, vikings will come from all over to see it fight." He approaches Toothless, who is still in your arms.

Toothless steps over you defensively and starts to growl at the Fight Master, who gestures across the arena as he says, "Night Fury, meet your next opponent: the Triple Stryke."

Across the arena, a portcullis lifts to reveal another cell. A roar rips from the darkness as the Triple Stryke erupts into the torch lit arena. Heavy chains loop around its arms, limiting its movements, and pinning it to the entrance of the cell you had seen Zyphur disappear into. Some unknown force pulls the Triple Stryke back into the darkness as a volcanic explosion of rage overtakes you.

Sliding around the defensive dragon, you take a furious swing at the large man. "Give her back!" You scream as you throw another punch. Both swings miss wildly. 

You throw a third that would have landed in the Fight Master's middle, but he stops your fist with his huge hand, squeezing your fingers until you feel the bones pop. You try to kick him, forgetting about the chain around your leg in your enraged state.

"GIVE! HER! BACK!!!" You scream again, punctuating each word with a swing or a kick. None of them land quite where you want them to.

The Fight Master smiles cruelly as he steps down on the chain. Then he lifts you into the air with a tight grip around your throat.

"Listen, child. One more outburst from you and I'll skin that Razorwhip and wear its hide for armor!" He growls in your face.

He hurls you aside. The back of your head hits one of the rocky walls with a hard thud. You slide to the floor in a limp heap as your vision fades. You barely register Hiccup calling your name, his soft hands cradling your head, before you slip into a black void.


You walk gracefully across a bright green spring meadow. The scent of wildflowers fills your senses with an overwhelming feeling of bliss. Ahead, you see your family waving at you, beckoning you to come closer. You run to them and leap into their waiting arms. They embrace you as proud, loving smiles light up their faces.

You back away and shamefully bow your head. "I've failed you. I couldn't save them. I couldn't save anyone."

With one strong finger under your chin, your father lifts your gaze to meet his. He shakes his head, forgiveness shining in his stormy grey gaze.

"No, my child. We failed you. We knew the attack was coming. Valka warned us to be on our guard. That's why she left. We should have evacuated the island sooner. We should have sent you with her. We just weren't ready to let you go. By the time we were, it was too late. They had us trapped and well..."

"You died. All of you did. I saw it. But wait... Does that mean I'm dead too?"

Your mother takes your hand, whispering, "No, sweetheart, but you gave it your best shot." She smiles as she squeezes your hand. "We are so proud of you. We always will be. So put the past behind you. There's no shame in surviving."

Your father nods, "Dying is easy. Living, thriving, that's harder. So keep your head up and keep moving forward. Make new friends, find a new family. Keep making us proud, my little warrior. Remember we always love you."

You turn to your brother, who punches you playfully in the shoulder. "Go get em, squirt!" He tells you proudly. You nod courtly, understanding that his lack of words speaks volumes about his feelings.

They hug you one more time as your father commands, "Now go rescue your friends!" He kisses the top of your head. They disappear in a swirling gust of wind.

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