Chapter 6

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"And we've been inseparable ever since." You finish with a shrug. You look up to find Hiccup staring at you with his mouth open in shock.

"What?" You ask sheepishly.

"Where have you been hiding all this time?"

"Come again?"

"I-I thought we were the only ones... You know... I thought the rest of the Archipelago hated dragons and this whole time there's been an entire island of people that loved dragons... who lives with them, instead of hunting them."

"Yeah... About that... There's actually more of us than you think." You pause for a long moment, still not sure how much to spill but trusting your heart that whispered to tell him everything.

Hiccup gestures for you to continue.

"There's Queen Mala and her Defenders: they have a boulder class dragon called an Eruptodon that I'm sure your friend... Fishlegs?" You look over to make sure you got the name right. Hiccup nods. "...would love to meet." You raise one finger before continuing.

"The little village of Hutsgalore, but they aren't really useful in a fight. A lot of muttonheads on that island, especially their chief. But they're a very friendly bunch." You raise another finger.

"Atali and her band of Valkyries. They raise Razorwhips and don't like men coming near their island. I'm not quite sure why and I haven't had the chance to visit and talk with them." You raise a third finger.

"Oh and Dagur and Heather..." And Valka. Silently counting off the last three and hoping that Hiccup didn't notice as he processes the new information.

"You do have allies, you know? Some just prefer to stay hidden." And not introduce themselves or return home after years of being away. Valka, I hate that you made me promise!

"I wish I had my map. We could really use the help against Viggo." Hiccup says regretfully.

"I wish that were possible." You reply as tears start to roll down your cheeks.

Hiccup pulls you into his arms as he asks, "Why's that?"

"Vanir... My home... It's gone."

"How? What happened?"

"Three weeks ago, Viggo did a test of Project Shellfire and destroyed everyone and everything. I couldn't even rescue the dragons because they gassed us first. And, the worst part, I don't know if anyone else survived."

You break into agonized sobs, finally releasing the rage and frustration and grief you have kept buried for the long weeks since the incident. You press yourself into Hiccup's chest, needing the comfort of another person's touch. He rocks you gently until the tears stop falling.

Shakily taking a breath, you wipe the tears away as you murmur a soft thank you.

He shrugs, still holding you. "You're welcome. I knew Viggo was vicious, but I didn't think he was that cruel."

You don't answer, still trying to compose yourself. Realizing that you are just too tired to keep fighting, you get up and walk over to where Zyphur lays quietly snoring and curl up beside her.

Hiccup's emerald eyes light up as an idea bulb flashes behind them. "Hey! When we get out of here, why don't you come back to the Edge? We could really use someone like you!"

"Uh huh... Sure... And I'm sure your friends will welcome me with open arms." You say sarcastically.

"Well Astrid might take some convincing." He answers honestly. "But we have plenty of space and Heather just joined us and..."

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