Chapter 12

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Your eyes flutter open to the echo of the Fight Master's booming voice. You are leaning against one of the rocky walls. You look around, the edges of your vision still blurry from the blow, but Toothless is missing and Hiccup's shackle is laying broken on the ground by your feet. Your ears tune into the raucous crowd outside the gate.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the main event! The reigning champion: the Triple Stryke." The crowd erupts in cheers. The Fight Master waits for the crowd to calm down before continuing. "Versus the newcomer: the Night Fury!" The crowd cheers again as the dragons roar at each other.

A flash of light bounces off one of the metal struts on the arena gate. Stumbling, you cross to the gate. Your eyes scan the crowd as another flash hits you square in the face. Your gaze lands on a tall, buff, bald man in a dragon-hide sleeveless shirt and a big belt buckle in the shape of a skull. You recognize him instantly.

"Hey Hiccup!" You call over to him. "I really hope your friends are close cause Ryker is here and he doesn't look happy."

You scan the crowd again, looking for other familiar faces. Seeing none, you turn to Hiccup, who is leading the Nadder and the Nightmare towards Zyphur's manacle.

"Great, just great. Exactly what we need right now." He snarks, then looks up. "Anything else you want to send my way? A hail storm? A million flaming arrows? How about another Skrill? Cause that was so fun the first two times." He gives himself a second to calm down then signals for the two dragons to blast the bright green metal.

Good idea! If we can get Z free, the other chains will break in no time. Why didn't I think of that? Oh yeah, cause we don't have enough fire power to get through that stupid dragon-proof yak dung. You mentally scold yourself as the metal starts to turn a warm shade of orange.

"C'mon! C'mon!" Hiccup says nervously. A loud roar reverberates through the cell. You glance at Hiccup as a shiver runs through his body. It's not Toothless, but there's no way he can last much longer out there. You both shoot a worried glance at the gate before turning back to the task at hand.

"We don't have enough fire power to melt it. That's dragon-proof metal. High melt point, low freeze point. We would need at least three more dragons to even have a chance." You explain briskly.

"What do you suggest then?" He gives you a pleading look.

"I don't know. If we had another Razorwhip, we could tail slice it open, but..." You are cut off by another roar, this time it is definitely Toothless and he does not sound like himself.

Hiccup looks up into your eyes, worry etched in the lines on his face. "There's only one way Toothless is gonna survive!" He says quietly, pain filling his every word.

You stare back, determination glistening in your green gaze. "No! There's two! But you have to keep your promise." You state firmly.

"Why? What are you going to do?"

"Probably something stupid." You take a breath, steeling yourself for the battle ahead.

"Ok, but we've already done that." He studies your face, uncertainty clouding his eyes.

"Then something crazy." You say as you shove the gate to the arena open just enough to slide through. Time to train this dragon!

You slip out into the arena and immediately drop to your knees, skidding toward the center of the enclosed space. The Triple Stryke tumbles over your head. It slams into the gate, sealing it closed. Behind it, you hear an excited feminine voice calling out Hiccup's name. Thank Thor, his friends are here. Finally, some help! They can free them and I can save Toothless... I hope.

You feel the Triple Stryke's hot breath on the back of your neck. Keeping yourself between the two dragons to the best of your ability, you let your mind slide into the pages of your internal Book of Dragons.

Triple Stryke

Black and Yellow scales - Check

Named for its three tails - Duh

The middle of which contains a deadly poison - Don't let it touch me or Toothless, check

You look at Toothless. His eyes have narrowed into angry thin slits.

Never mind! He can take care of himself.

You see Toothless's teeth pop out as he roars again.

Running out of time here! What else you got? C'mon brain! THINK! Um... You close your eyes and take a calming breath.

Click, click, click... A rush of air gusts past you as the Triple Stryke's tail jabs at Toothless.

Your eyes spring open as you remember one vital detail. Because Triple Stryke's are mostly blind, they hunt by sound. Valka's voice whispers in your ear. I got it! You click your tongue and watch as the large dragon's ears prick up. It turns toward you for a moment.

Toothless looses a plasma bolt at the Triple Stryke, barely missing your shoulder. You roll out of the way as the two dragons start to go at it again. Each time the Triple Stryke's tail twists together, you click your tongue twice off the roof of your mouth, distracting the creature and giving Toothless a clear upper hand. They paw at each other until they reach the far side of the arena, trading blows with their tails and claws. You try to pull them apart as you see Toothless's rage boiling over.

"Now, for the final strike!" The Fight Master announces to the awed crowd. Not while I'm here!

Another plasma bolt zooms past you. It crashes into the Triple Stryke, throwing it into the gate again. Toothless jumps on to one of the wheeled platforms and gives a furious roar. One look tells you that you have a single chance to save your friend from doing something that he will regret. Cursing under your breath, you race off  towards the Triple Stryke, clicking your tongue thrice trying to signal the fallen dragon to stay down, as Toothless fires two more plasma blasts. He springs into the air, charging up a final more powerful blast.

"Toothless! NO!" You scream.

You skid to stop on your knees and throw yourself over the poor creature, fear shining in its red eyes. You turn to face Toothless, wanting the last face you see to be one of a friend, but still hoping that Toothless would see you and stop.

Somehow, a switch flips inside Toothless's heart, his eyes widen in recognition. He lands just short and licks your face happily. You give him a quick hug as you breath a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Toothless. Now how do we get out of here?" You ask as the clink of a raising portcullis reaches your ears.

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