Chapter 9

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Your eyes flutter open in the weak morning light. The room spins a little as you prop yourself up on one elbow. You blink until everything comes into focus. You groan as your stomach flips hungrily. You reach a hand down to your grumbling tummy and the other up to your head, finding a swath of bandages. Gingerly press your fingers into the soft cloth and yelp as you touch a lump the size of a Nadder egg.

Was it worth it? You ask yourself as you push yourself the rest of the way into a sitting position. Yes, because I finally have my family's permission to move on. You think, feeling a switch being thrown inside your mind. You shake out all of the shame, guilt, and frustration. Taking a deep breath, you give a loud whistle, expecting Zyphur to answer but instead finding Hiccup.

"Hey! You're awake! How ya feel?" Hiccup says as he sits down beside you. You place your head on his shoulder and slide your hand into his, unsure how he will react.

Hiccup gives your hand a gentle squeeze before pulling away. Friendzoned then, I guess I can live with that. Honestly I can use all the friends the Aesir choose to send my way.

You sigh. "Fine, just fine." Your stomach rumbles. "Scratch that, hungry... Very hungry. I wish I had my bag. I would love some boar jerky right about now."

Hiccup hands you a chunk of bread. "No jerky, but they did bring this."

"Aw... They do care." You say sarcastically as you take a bite. It's stale and hard to chew, but it's better than nothing.

Hiccup gives you a lopsided grin. "So are you going to tell me what that was all about?"

"Doesn't matter. It didn't work anyway." He gives you a look that clearly says that he expects more. You hold up your hands placatingly. "Ok... Don't get your tail in a twist! I was trying to get the keys off his belt, but like I said it didn't work."

"Gods, why did you think that would work? I mean, Astrid would've probably tried that tactic too, but..." Hiccup stops.

Why does he always stop right before talking about her? "Go on. You keep saying Astrid this and Astrid that. Never anything more than that, so tell me. Tell me more about her. Tell me more about all of them. I want to know what I'm getting myself into if I join your little group."

Hiccup rises to his feet. Pacing, he tells you more about his friends while you finish eating. He leaves Astrid for last.

"She's stubborn, competitive, athletic, bossy, compassionate, kind... perfect. She's Astrid. I can't imagine a world without her in it." He stops for a moment, then amends. "I can't imagine my world without her in it."

"Then why haven't you told her how you feel?"

"How do you know that I haven't?" He asks taken aback. He looks at you curiously.

"It's written all over your face." You answer lightly as you heart sinks. So that's the end of my chances, but he's still a great guy. I hope she feels the same way.

He laughs awkwardly. "That obvious, huh?"

"Not much gets past you when you're locked in a cell with another person and five dragons for a week." You pause for a moment and give Hiccup your most honest look as he pulls you to your feet. "When we get out of here, promise you'll tell her?"

He shrugs. "There's not much to say."

"Hiccup, this is coming from a person who lost everything. Tell her or you may find that it's too late!"

"Ok, y/n, I promise."

"Promise what?" You ask as you nudge his shoulder encouragingly.

"I promise that I will tell Astrid that I love her!" He lifts his chin and shouts to the ceiling.

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