Chapter 13

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A/N: I've been trying to keep the y/n character gender neutral, but it's getting really difficult. For this chapter, I'm putting he/she for the places that need a pronoun. You can pick.

Also, since it's Chapter 13 some sort of curse will happen. Just a warning. Now back to the story!

The crowd boos and hisses, seething with frustration at the lackluster battle, as the Triple Stryke climbs warily to its feet. You give it a small smile then turn towards the sound of the rising portcullis. Sliding protectively in front of the dragons, you face down Ryker, the Fight Master, and a hunter who stands ready with a dragon root arrow already nocked on his bow. Ryker is holding a leather muzzle, you recognize it as the one they had used on Toothless, apprehension flashing in his eyes for a split second.

You hear a loud whip-like crack as the Triple Stryke's tail slashes violently overhead. Ryker's eyes darken to a furious determination. You see his ruthlessness in that moment and know that the battle isn't over quite yet. The men stalk forward.

"You stay away from them!" You growl as you scan each man's face, looking for any sign of attack.

You notice the fingers on the bowstring start to slip. You judge the arrow's trajectory with a few quick mental calculation. It's going to hit Toothless. I don't know how he'll react and I'm not willing to test it out. A soft twang registers in your brain while you move instinctively into the poisoned arrow's flight. Oh Gods, this is going to hurt. Better me than him! Though there is a problem with my allergy...

The arrow slams into your shoulder, burrowing deep into the muscle. Instantly, you feel it swelling and throbbing as you crash backwards into Toothless. He stumbles back a step.

Regaining his footing, he stands over you, growling defensively. The men move closer. Ryker tosses the muzzle aside and draws one of his serrated green blades. He holds it out in front of him in a two-handed stance, shaking slightly.

Ryker's afraid of dragons?

The edges of your vision start to blur. I can't sleep. Not yet. Come on! Get up!

Suddenly, in a flash of blue-white light, the gate explodes off its hinges. Standing in the hole with Zyphur on one side and the Deadly Nadder on the other, looking like a true Viking warrior, stands an irate Hiccup.

"This. Ends. Now." He states firmly.

Zyphur and the other dragons rocket into the arena. You try to track their movements, but the swelling in your shoulder is making it hard to turn your head. Instead, you focus in on Zyphur.

Flying gracefully around the enclosed space, she shows no sign of pain, no disruptions in her lightly flapping wings. In one swift movement, Zyphur wraps her tail around the Flight Master. She pulls him up to her eye-level, her purple gaze glaring murderously into his panicked face, then she drops him in front of the Triple Stryke with an angry huff. You smile up at her. That's my girl!

The Triple Stryke roars in his face with enough force to throw his helmet off his head. The Fight Master screams shrilly.

"I would get out of here if I were you." Hiccup says as he angrily stares down at the Fight Master.

Nodding in reluctant agreement, the Fight Master and the other hunter run out of the arena, leaving Ryker standing like a lone wolf by the open portcullis. His gazes mets yours, something in his eyes betraying his true feelings, -Yup, he's definitely afraid- then he backs out of the arena.

You watch the men go as you struggle to sit up. Zyphur lands beside you, relieving Toothless of guard duty. She nuzzles you gently while you watch Toothless bound over to Hiccup. The Night Fury nudges his friend affectionately.

"It's good to see you too, Bud." Hiccup murmurs happily as he rubs Toothless's head. The two share a knowing look before his eyes fall on you, still laying on the ground barely moving. Your gaze shifts upwards as you struggle to take a breath.

Somewhere out in the crowd you hear two different male voices sticking out of fire blasts and panicked screams. One you recognize as Snotlout's as he shouts, "Justice! Get your justice here! Get it while it's hot!" The other, an unfamiliar tenor, grumbles, "Dragon fighting! I'll give you dragon fighting! Come on, girl, put your meat into it!" You smile. These have to be his friends. They all seem so amazing. Wish I could meet them, but...

Gingerly, you tug on the obtrusive arrow shaft sticking out of your shoulder, which has swollen to the size of a pumpkin. You manage to pull your torn shirt away from the wound, noticing that your skin has turned an odd shade of purple. You cough violently and gasp for air as your lungs seize up. What the Hel? This is way worse than normal. The swelling I expected, that usually happens and the bruises, but... Why is it getting hard to breathe?

Hiccup's halfway across the arena to you when a beautiful maiden with concerned azure eyes leans over you, her long blonde hair braided down her back. She holds out her hand to help you up, but you shake your head.

"Astrid?" You ask between coughs that burst through blue trembling lips. She falls to her knees beside you. "He promised. Make him keep his promise." This has to be her. He has to tell her or I've failed him, just like I failed everyone else.

"Um...yeah. Hold on." She turns away. "Hiccup!" What feels like an eternity later, he slides down beside you.

Grabbing your hand, concern coating his words, he says "I'm here, y/n. What's wrong?"

"Dragon Root... Allergic... Got to... Get it out..." You try to pull on the shaft again, but it doesn't budge.

"We'll get it out. Just hang on." He answers as he gives your hand a tender squeeze.

He pulls on the shaft with all his might, but it only makes the entry wound larger. You bite back a scream. Blood oozes down your arm, staining your shirt and the hard ground beneath you.

Funny, how my blood is mixing with the dragons' that died here before me. Well that was morbid, bet my family wouldn't like me thinking that. Doesn't matter, I'll be with them soon anyway.

Your eyes start to close.

"Oh, no, you don't!" Hiccup says as he grabs your shoulders and shakes you roughly. You barely feel it compared to the raging fire in your shoulder. "Come on, y/n! Stay with me!"

He turns to Astrid. "Can you try? You're stronger."

Astrid looks at him incredulously. "Who is she/he? Why does she/he look like you? What's going on?"

"I'll answer everything later. Right now, we have to get that arrow out."

She nods.

They quickly trade places. She wraps both hands firmly around the shaft as close to the point of entry as the swelling will allow. Your green gaze meets her azure ones and you nod. She gives a primal shout as she plants her feet and jerks the arrow free.

You feel it rip out of the swelling muscle and breathe a sigh of relief. But the poisonous weapon has already done its damage. Your eyes start to close again.

"Nope, not yet." Hiccup says sternly, shaking you again. "You are not leaving me when we still have so much more to talk about."

You smile at him, weakly whispering, "Promise?"

The last thing you see before the darkness takes you are a Gronckle and a Monsterous Nightmare ripping the chain roof off. You smile as the dragons fly away.

Finally free.

A/N: So I'm at a crossroads. Do I kill this character so they can be with their family or do they wake up at the Edge? What do you think? Please leave a comment

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