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Hey Y'all!

First off, THANKS FOR 1K READS!!!!

Second, if you liked this story, the journey continues in my other stories.

Promises, Promises is my reimagining of HTTYD 2. You are still the main character, but I defined the gender role. If you don't like it that way, feel free to picture all of the "she"s as "he"s. I don't mind, that's your choice. It explores the real relationship between your character and Hiccup and why you look similar.

Rescue Missions & My Horrendous Luck - yes, I named it that on purpose. I thought it was funny, ok? - tells the in-between adventures from a variety of perspectives, mostly yours (Told from the I) and Hiccup's. The in-between parts are vital to the relationship building and what/why things have happened to you. It explores your choices, possible relationships, and gives a little more to the adventure. It connects directly to Promises, Promises with "Present Day" parts that are included in both stories, but written slightly differently, to provide clues about how the puzzle pieces fit together.

In this story, Race to the Edge is obviously canon and I'm doing my best to answer the questions that tears the series out of the canon because it's just too good to not be considered canon. If there are any questions that you want answered or episodes that you would like to see included, please comment. Let me know cause unfortunately I'm not telepathic.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed the journey! Have a great day/night/whatever!



Stryke Out (HTTYD x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now