Chpt 3

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Matts pov

"Well we kinda made this deal with them of them hanging out with us and being our friends." Said Jack J. "Why?!" I said. "I wanted to make an agreement but NOO the boys took matters to their own hands CARTER!!" Nash stated. "Hey I had to act fast and help my bud out from being killed." Carter said.

Stacey's pov

The boyz start arguing for awhile while we just sat there on the floor. I turned my head. "Why do you like them again Sam?" asked. "Aw cuz just look they're soo cute!" She whispered and pointed at them. "Why don't you like them?" She asked.. really😑 "I guess but. Dude can't you see what they're doing. They're fighting about us not being friends with them. They're acting like total dou-"

"What was that!" Shit Matthew heard me..
"Nothing Matthew." I said "No let me hear what you wanted to say Stacey." He demanded. "Fine u guys are acting like douche bags I said." "What's that supposed to mean." He said getting close to me on the floor. "What u guys don't wanna be our friends even if I saved your butt." I said.
"I-I mean that WE saved your butt." I said correcting myself. "Oh ok." He said and smiled. "What don't take it the wrong way." I said and turned away. "Fine we're sorry." Nash said. The boys nodded. "Fine." I said. "So we're not your friends right?" Sam asked. "Sam really shut up." I whispered. "What I mean we could-". "Sure." Matthew said. "Really?!" We both said. "Whaaaaa said Jack G and Jack J said out loud. "Sure I mean it's the least we can do to since they saved his ass." Nash said. "Ok." Said Carter. "Sure, ok." Said Cam. They all agreed.

"HEY!" Somebody screamed we turned around. "Crap it's the teacher!" Sam said we took our seats In different spots and Matthew sat next to me again. "You know u can find somewhere else to sit Matthew." I said alil annoyed. "What I have to sit here." He said. "It's lunch detention u can sit anywhere." " No we-." I cut him off. "I'm joking." He smiled. "OUT OF MY WAY!!" the teacher screamed. All the girls ran away from the door. We all got a little terrified. "Hey what are you all doing in here!" We looked a each other. "WELL?!" The old teacher demanded. "W-w-well um-- we h-have lunch detention." I explained. "NO YOU GUYS DONT I DONT REMEMBER NOW GET OUT!" She yelled. We ran outof class laughing.

"Woah did you see her face?" Cam said. As we were all walking in the hallway. "Ya haha." Sam said. "She must've been on here period." Nash said, we laughed. "Ya on it everyday!" I said. We all laughed harder. "You should've seen your face!" Matt said mocking me. "W-w-wwweelll um?"

"SHUTUP MATT!" I said and nudged him on the shoulder. "Oooo." Said the boys. "Stop flirting Stacey!" Said Sam. "Good one!" Said Nash an they high fived each other. "Shut up NOO I wasn't." "Sure babe." Matt said. I rolled my eyes as we were walking into the caff. Everyone stared at us the boys gave dirty looks and the girls eyes widened.

I've never seen so many ppl look at us before. Then the guys shoved there way infrount of us and started talking. "Guys?" I said they didn't even listen to me all the girls came running to them. "Matt?" I said he just stared at me for a bit then returned talking to the bunches of girls around them. "GUYS!" Sam said going around them. "Shut up." Said a popular girl coming up to us. "Make me." Sam said. "I don't have to plus the boys pay attention to me anyway RIGHT NASH!"she yelled. Nash just smiled and waved at her or us. "He was waving at me." she said in disgust. "They wouldn't talk to me nobody's like you and the rest of these bitches just the popular girls like ME!" She said as she made her way to them. Sam and I got mad. "Ya well let's see about that!" I said.

"What are we gonna do?" Sam said. I walked over to Matt he was talked to many girls I came them I grabbed him in a bear hug. "Woah hey Stacey!" He said. I smiled and walked right passed that popular and stuck my tongue out ha ah.

"Stacey don't look now." Said Sam. "Why?" I said as I turned my head. Oh gosh. There was the popular sucking faces with Matt she looked over and smirked. While lots of girls called her names. she walked right passed me and said. "Beat that." And she walked away. But then I saw like ten girls chasing after. "HAHA I WILL BEAT THAT!" I said. "U okay?" Sam said. "Let's go eat." I mumbled .

As we got our food we sat down at our table by the window. "Are u sure u are okay u look pissed?" "Ugh see this is what I've been trying to tell you Sam about being there friend u can't ruin there stupid reputation." I said. We look over across the table the boyz were staring at us and they waved. I rolled my eyes but Sam just waved back. "Sam what do u think your doing?" I asked. what they're our friends and they're nice." "Dude if they are nice why would they push us out of way......"

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