chapter 11

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DEPRAC swarmed into the house, grabbing onto the four teens and shoving them out the front doors as soon as the sun began to rise. Violet snapped out of her stupor, trying to shove the arms off of her. They hadn't done anything wrong.

"We're agents. This is our job," George tried to explain.

Lockwood glared at the DEPRAC members, "We are employed to be here. You've no right to do this."

Violet huffed, straightening her jacket as they were met with two detectives. Lockwood looked like he recognized the male. Violet assumed he was Detective Barnes.

"I gave you an order not to work," Barnes said simply.

"Yes, sir, you did, and I understand-"

Barnes interrupted him, "Shut up."

Violet glared angrily at the man. This was ridiculous. What exactly were they going to do to them?

"I knew you couldn't follow the rules, for even one night. But you'll listen now. Anthony Lockwood, George Karim, Lucy Carlyle, Violet Summers, i'm arresting you for conducting an unlicensed psychical investigation in direct violation of a DEPRAC ruling."

"We just survived an attempted murder. John Fairfax killed Annabel Ward, and he brought us here to kill us too. And this is the same John Fairfax who your department has been hand in glove with for the last decade," Lockwood snapped.

Lucy spoke up, "Sir, it's true. He strangled her and left her to rot in that chimney."

"Why would I believe a word you say?"

"Because we have proof," Violet said.

George took the picture of Annabel and Fairfax from his pocket, "This entire job was a trap. Ask Ellie. She heard Fairfax confess too."

Barnes snatched the photo, "If this is true-"

Kipps strode over, "Inspector Barnes? Sorry to interrupt, sir. The deputy commissioner has just arrived."

"Get them in the van."

"Inspector...Inspector, you have to believe me."

Violet struggled as they shoved her into one of the DEPRAC vans, "Let go of me, you ass!"

"They're saying you killed Sir John Fairfax. I guess you'll make the papers after all," Kipps said smugly.

"What are you even doing here?"

"Don't you have your own team to kill, you stupid, ugly rat bastard?" Violet spat at him.

"I'm Fittes' special liaison. We help keep an eye out for rogue agents. Nice knowing you," Kipps shut the van door.

Violet yelled out as she kicked the door once before stepping back, "Smug stupid little cunt."

Lockwood himself was no better as he paced the length of the small van, "I'll go to the papers. I'll ruin them. I'll tell everyone."

George peered out the small window, "Guys, get over here. What's the deputy commissioner doing here at five in the morning?"

"They're taking stuff away. What's going on?"

"A cover up, that's what," Violet guessed.

The front van door opened and shut and Barnes appeared just beyond the gated sliding door with a yellow folder.

"Inspector, what's going on?" Lockwood asked.

"You're not being arrested. Not if you sign these," he slid open the gate and handed in a stack of papers.

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