Chapter 31

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As soon as Violet set sights on the front door of their house, she was practically running up to the door. She wanted nothing more than to huddle in the library with a mug of sugary tea and never leave. At least then she might eventually be able to relax.

Lockwood smiled at her back as Violet flung open the door and stepped inside with a big sigh of relief. She looked so happy to be home. And he was happy she was home too.

"Luce! George!" Violet called out, "We're home!"

Loud footsteps clambered down the stairs one after the other as Lucy and George fought to see who would make it down first. In the end, Lucy won, barreling right into Violet to give her a hug.

Violet immediately returned the embrace, burying her face in the girl's shoulder. It felt so much safer here. In her home. In the arms of her family. They wouldn't hurt her. They wouldn't kill her.

Lucy swayed them back and forth for a minute before letting go, "I'm glad you're home now, and that you're ok."

Violet bit back her honest response and settled for a grin, "Me too. Are you ok?"

Violet didn't dare tell any of them that she was nowhere near ok. She was still freezing cold, her head hurt terribly, she had to physically stop her hands from trembling by shoving them in her pockets. She felt like a ticking time bomb that was two seconds from going off.

"No more secrets, right?" George asked.

Violet shook her head, "No more."

"Good," George stared at her for a few moments longer before making his way to the kitchen.

Violet took a deep breath, "Well, if you guys don' Um...what's it...brain?"

"Mind?" Lucy offered softly, her face dropping.

Violet snapped her fingers, "That. Yeah. I want to change. And eat."

"Yeah, of course. You want me to help you up the stairs?" Lockwood asked, quickly moving close and preparing to assist her.

"I can do it," Violet claimed as she slowly went towards the stairs.

Violet put one foot up the steps, but as she tried to go up the next one, she lost her balance and had to pause, putting her hand on the wall. She closed her eyes tight, feeling the frustration build in her chest. It had been this way since the hospital. They had to wheel her out to the cab in a chair. And Lockwood had to help her to the train too. It was embarrassing. She felt so useless. Not even able to walk properly.

Lockwood, without a word, put one hand on her lower back and slowly helped her up the stairs. He didn't care if he had to carry her up the stairs for the rest of his life. It didn't bother him, but he knew it bothered her.

"Just take it easy. It'll get easier," he whispered in her ear, hoping to soothe her frustration at least a little bit.

Violet bit her lip and nodded, placing her hand firmly on the wall to help her. Lucy had to turn away from the scene, taking a deep breath to reel in the unfathomable anger she felt. Damn them for what they did to Violet.

Violet finally got up the stairs to her room with assistance and grabbed a set of clothes to wear. Lockwood waited at the door to help her get down to the bathroom. Violet shut the door behind her and tossed her clothes on the countertop before bracing herself against the sink. Her hands were shaking badly.

For the first time in days, Violet looked at herself in the mirror. She clenched her hands into fists, her nails digging into her palms as her breathing began to quicken. She was looking at herself, she knew that. But it didn't feel like her anymore. She knew something in her had changed when she died for the second time. And it wasn't just the brain damage. It was her soul.

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