chapter 53

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Violet pressed an ice pack to Lockwood's sore knuckles. He was sitting down at the dining table with a smug smirk on his face that hadn't left since he punched Charles. He seemed to be really proud of himself.

George was flitting around the kitchen, making dinner while Timothy attempted to help him as best as he could. Though Timothy mostly just ended up watching closely.

Angela was sitting in an extra chair they had brought to the dining table, using some of Lucy's nail polish to refresh her nails. Lucy sat next to her, doing the same.

Violet poked Lockwood's forehead, "Would you quit it already? I can clearly tell you're fishing for more praise with that look. It's not that big of a deal. I hit him too."

Angela shrugged, "I don't know. I thought that was the most impressive thing he did all night. At least I know he'll have your back."

Lockwood nodded in her direction, "See? She knows how it is."

Violet glared at him, "My already horrible patience and tolerance is decreasing by the second. Don't push it, Anthony."

Lockwood grinned up at her, "Come on, Vi. Let me have this. Please?"

Violet dropped the ice pack on the table and took a seat, "God, you're so needy and annoying."

"Thank you."

"In what world was that a compliment?" Angela scoffed.

George looked over his shoulder, "Coming from Vi? To Lockwood? It's definitely a compliment."

"I feel like everything Vi says to him is inadvertently a compliment in his eyes," Lucy laughs as she finishes painting her last nail.

"So if Violet called him an unintelligent little shit with skills as ranged as a walnut, that would be a compliment?" Angela rose a brow.

"I don't know. Maybe we should test it," George looked at Violet, practically pleading her to knock Lockwood down a few pegs.

Violet rolled her eyes, "I'm not going to say that because I don't think it. For one, he's incredibly smart. Two, he has enough skill to run his own business. I'm pretty sure his range is better than a walnut."

Lockwood seemed to light up as he watched her defend him. He could understand now why Lucy and George always teased him and said he was like a puppy with Violet as his owner.

Soon enough, George and Timothy had set out the fresh food on the table and they all sat around, scrambling to get food onto their plates even though there was plenty for everyone.

"Hey, we've heard a little bit about it from Vi, but do you guys have any stories about Vi in Davies?" Lucy asked.

"No, they don't," Violet said sternly before either of the Davies operatives could speak up.

"Yes, we do," Angela looked at her with a raised brow as if to challenge her, "Come on, Summers. It's just a little fun on your birthday. You start, Timmy."

Timothy looked up in surprise as Angela nudged him, ", alright. Well, I mean I remember that Violet got in a lot of fights. With every one of her former roommates actually. I'm pretty sure Stacie left the agency and never came back after what Violet did."

George nearly laughed, "Vi was that bad? What did she do?"

Violet groaned, "Do we have to do this?"

Lockwood put his arm over her shoulder, "Relax, Vi. Just have fun."

Violet rolled her eyes and mocked him in an exaggerated voice before stabbing into her food, "Whatever."

"Well, from what I heard, Stacie was a really nosy roommate. Violet and her used to scream at each other in the middle of the night until practically everyone in the dorms was filing a complaint about it. Stacie usually just said that Violet just suddenly went crazy. Three boys would have to hold her back," Timothy smiled lightly.

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