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Mum called Tuesday with an update. Pierre and I were curled up on the couch watching a rerun of The Grand Tour while Addie was lying across us having an afternoon nap, his hand softly stroking her hair while she slept. We all needed a rest after the busy morning spent showing Pierre our favourite parts of London and I regretted not taking my car when we went along High Street and bought more than we could really carry, but parking in the city was a bitch.

Pierre paused the show when he saw me accept the video call and I introduced the two of them before greeting dad who was sitting to the side of the screen drinking a beer with his lunch. Pierre did a double take seeing dad in track pants and a singlet after only seeing him in pressed suits for work.

"I'm guessing this isn't a social call," I commented as mum moved to her home office and put her reading glasses on.

"Unfortunately not. We need to talk about what our options are to deal with this." She dropped the dossier of documents I had scanned through to her onto her desk with a loud thud. "The fastest option would be to offer a settlement out of court and pay Gordon for the damages, namely a broken nose and bruised ego."

"Why should I give him a single penny? He came and harassed me!"

She sighed and rubbed at her temples just like I did when Addie was stressing me out. "We could countersue and file our own charges for breaching the restraining order. That would likely bankrupt him again because he can't afford to drag out a case against us."

"If he goes bankrupt again he will just have another axe to grind with me. I want him out of my life, not a reason to come at me again."

"You've gotta work with me here, querida. Nothing is going to be a perfect solution," she said as she sat back in her chair chewing the end of her pen.

"Could we go to court and see what a judge thinks of the case?"

"It would likely be a jury, not a judge, but I wouldn't advise it. Have you read this?" she asked as she waved the papers around.

I looked down sheepishly and admitted, "Not all of it."

Mum knew that actually meant I hadn't read any of it. "The stipulations of this would mean your passports are surrendered until the verdict is ruled, which would take considerably longer than the other options."

I looked at Pierre as I digested the news. "So I would be stuck here?"

"You would be grounded, yes."

I swallowed deeply at the thought and shook my head. I wasn't willing to waste the time I had left with Pierre before I started work. I could already feel the date looming over me like a guillotine. "Offer a settlement. I don't care what it takes."

"Are you sure?"

"Maybe we should talk about this," Pierre stopped me from answering with a hand on my thigh.

"There's nothing to talk about. I'm coming with you to Canada next week, end of story." I placed my hand on his and squeezed it before I looked back at mum with a nod. "Do it."

"Okay, honey, I'll give you an update when I have one. Drive safe tomorrow and give Adelaide a kiss from me."

"Gracias, mamá. Hasta mañana." I ended the video call and leaned back into Pierre's shoulder with a sigh and expected to see him looking at me but he was staring intently at the tv though it was still on pause. "Babe, what's wrong?"

He dragged his eyes away from the frozen Jeremy Clarkson and chewed on his bottom lip. "Are you sure you want to go with a settlement? Shouldn't you think about it a little longer?"

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