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Trigger Warning: this chapter goes into detail about the trauma she faces including SA.

Adelaide hadn't stopped crying since we arrived at the airport and she asked where her bags were. It didn't matter that we had been through the same conversation with her multiple times, it always ended with tears.

"Come here, princesse," Pierre said gently as he knelt down in front of her and she fell into his arms. "I'm going to miss you but I promise I will still read your bedtime story and video call every free moment I have. Can you make me a promise?"

She nodded with a sniffle and he wiped away her tears so she could see him again.

"Keep being a good girl for mama, okay?"

"Okay," she replied meekly before her bottom lip began to tremble again and she wailed, "I don't want you to go."

I bit my lip as Pierre picked her up with his own forlorn look on his face and wandered away as he tried to calm her down again.

An older gentleman stopped them a few metres away and pulled a chupa chup from his bag, offering it to Addie. "These are my granddaughter's favourites, would you like one?"

The tears stopped at the distraction and Addie looked back to me before reaching for the lollipop and murmuring a quiet thank you through her hiccups.

The man smiled and patted Pierre on the arm. "Leaving your child never gets any easier."

The old man was already on his way before Pierre could say anything and I looked around the departure gate to see other families saying their goodbyes. We looked no different to them and, despite the ache that had been growing since I woke up in Pierre's arms and remembered he was leaving, I started to smile.

Pierre checked the time on his watch and his shoulders dropped before he kissed the top of Addie's head. "I have to go."

His eyes almost seemed grey when he came back to where I waited with his carry-on bag, like all the colour had drained from them, and he pulled me into him to hold both Addie and I in his arms.

"I didn't think it would be this hard to leave," he murmured in my ear. "I need you to tell me to go, mon amour, or I won't make it on that plane."

I pulled back to see the agony in his eyes and nodded as I fought my own emotions and took Addie from him. "Go," I choked as I wrapped my arms tighter around my daughter and used her as an anchor to stop from reaching for him. Her cries escalated and I closed my own eyes at the sound of her little heart breaking. "Four nights."

"Four nights," he repeated as he bent down to pick up his bag. Two words, but he made them sound like both a promise and a curse.

The app on his phone pinged as his flight status changed to boarding and placed my hand on his chest, gently pushing against him until he took a step away from us. "Get a move on, Gasly," my voice was weak but he smiled at the attempt I made to lighten the heavy atmosphere encapsulating us.

"Thank you," he mouthed before blowing a kiss and reluctantly turning away.

Addie clung to me, her chubby fingers tangling in my hair as she buried her face in the long strands and cried for Pierre. His stiff gait stopped twice but he didn't dare look back as the bold number ten on the back of his hoodie retreated and eventually disappeared into the crowded terminal.

"Want him back," Added whimpered when I strapped her into her carseat.

"I know, sweetheart, I do too." I shut the door and hopped into the driver's seat only to be reminded yet again of his absence when I noticed all the mirrors and set settings were set for Pierre's height. "Do you know what might make me feel better?"

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