Peanut Butter Cookies

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- ½ Cup Butter

⁃ ½ Cup Peanut Butter

⁃ ½ Cup Sugar

⁃ ½ Cup Brown Sugar

⁃ 1 Egg

⁃ ½ Tsp. Vanilla

⁃ 1 ¼ Cup Flour

⁃ ¾ Tsp. Baking Soda

⁃ ¼ Tsp. Salt


- Preheat oven to 375 F

- Mix First 6 Ingredients

⁃ Add rest of the ingredients

⁃ Mix Well

⁃ Roll into balls on pan and press down with fork

⁃ Bake 10-12 minutes


- Absolute best when still warm and a little soft -- they get more crunchy as they cool off

- I have it as 10-12 minutes, but that's mostly a preference thing. Personally, they seem best at 10 minutes

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