*Party Pineapple Cookies

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Recipe from 1991


- 2 Sticks Margarine, Softened

- 1 Cup Sugar

- 1 Cup Packed Brown Sugar

- 2 Eggs

- 1 (15oz) Can Crushed Pineapple, Drained, Reserve Juice for Frosting

- 2 Tsp Vanilla

- 4 Cups Flour

- 1 Tsp Baking Powder

- 1 Cup Chopped Pecans


- 2 Cups Powdered Sugar

- 1 Tbsp Margarine, Softened

- 2-3 Tbsp Pineapple Juice

- Yellow Food Coloring


- Preheat oven to 350

- In a mixing bowl, cream together the margarine, sugars, and eggs. Beat well and add pineapple, vanilla, flour, and baking powder. Mix well. Stir in pecans. 

- Drop by teaspoon on a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 12-14 minutes and allow to cool

- For the frosting: Mix together all the ingredients using just enough pineapple juice to make spreading consistency. Frost. Store in a covered container

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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