Melt Away Cookies

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Recipe from 1991


- 2 sticks butter

- 3/4 cup cornstarch

- 1/2 cup powdered sugar

- 1 cup flour


- 3 ounces of cream cheese

- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

- 1 - 1/2 cups powdered sugar


- Preheat oven to 350 degrees

- In a mixing bowl, beat butter until creamy. Add cornstarch, powdered sugar, and flour, beating until smooth.

- Roll dough into small balls and press down like thumbprint cookies

- Place on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for about 12 minutes. They do not need to brown

- Cool

- Mix together the cream cheese, vanilla, and powdered sugar. Beat until smooth and frost cookies


- These were pretty good. Crumbly. I can see why they're called melt away cookies. They kind of remind me of the pecan ball wedding cookie type things we had a lot in Egypt

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