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It's been a month since they closed the gate and everything seemed to be going back to normal

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It's been a month since they closed the gate and everything seemed to be going back to normal. Tonight was the snowball. At first, he thought he wasn't going to be able to go but he was officially ungrounded yesterday.

Jeremiah was currently getting ready in the bathroom, he was fixing his hair in the mirror. While Felix was sitting on the counter, ever since Jeremiah got back Felix hasn't let him out of his sight. Jeremiah didn't mind it too much, honestly, he was kinda surprised by his reaction he didn't think he cared that much.

"Who are you going with?" Felix asks, kicking his feet back and forth as he watches his older brother fix his middle part.

"No one," Jeremiah replied absently.

Felix gave him a confused look. "You're going to a dance with no one? Did nobody ask you?"

"No. I had plenty of offers. I just... decided to keep my options open. You know?" Jeremiah didn't want to tell him the real reason he didn't ask anyone or accept any offers was that he was hoping a certain someone would be available.

"No" Felix deadpanned before his face changed to a look of excitement. "I can go with you so you have someone to dance with"

Jeremiah smiled at his brother's offer. "As sweet as that is, lixie, it's only for middle schoolers''

"Aww" Felix's face dropped along with his shoulders. Jeremiah hated seeing him sad, so he came up with a solution.

"Hey, how about after the snowball, if you're still awake? I'll teach you how to play baseball '' Jeremiah offered as he reached for the tie he borrowed from his dad.

Felix's head immediately shot up. "Really?"

"Really" Jeremiah confirmed.

"I can tie that for you" Felix pointed at his tie, where Jeremiah was obviously having trouble. He was about to say no but gave in and let him. He had to scoot to the side so Felix could reach his neck.

"What are you losers up to?" Robin said as she was leaning on the door frame.

"Jeremy's getting ready for the snowball!" Felix announced before going back to tie the tie.

"You're going to dance with your fan club," Robin jokes.

"Hilarious," Jeremiah said sarcastically before turning to Felix. "Are you almost done tying the tie?"

"I don't know how to tie a tie,'' Felix confesses.

"So then why did you tell me you could?" Jeremiah questions.

"Because I'm self-confident," Felix says with a smile.

Jeremiah runs a hand down his face before grabbing the tie from Felix's hand and setting it on the counter. "I'll just go without a tie"

"Let me see it" Robin motioned for him to hand her the tie. "Can't have you looking bad for your fan club"

Jeremiah rolls his eyes when he hears Felix laughing at Robin's joke. "Getting funnier"

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