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Jeremiah was waiting at the front entrance of the mall with the party

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Jeremiah was waiting at the front entrance of the mall with the party. they decided to go see a new movie together. everyone was there, well everyone except for Mike. hes late.

Jeremiah suggested they just go watch the movie without him but Will wouldn't go for it. A few seconds later Mike rolls up with his bike.

"You're late" Lucas announces with his arms crossed over his chest before turning to Jeremiah, who was right next to him. "you owe me ten bucks"

They made a bet, Lucas bet that he would be late and Jeremiah bet that he wouldn't. which obviously wasn't his smartest decision because Mike has been late to all their meet-ups because of El. he would know, El calls him all the time to talk about him.

"Seriously, Mike. you couldn't just be on time! Now I'm ten bucks short!" Jeremiah complained as he reached into his pocket pulled out a ten-dollar bill and handed it to Lucas.

"Sorry!" Mike dismissed as he put his bike in the bike rack.

"Again" Lucas added to his previous statement.

"we're gonna miss the opening," Will complained.

"I told you we should have just gone without him," Jeremiah pointed out.

"yeah, if you guys keep whining about it. let's go!" Mike said, ignoring Jeremiah's comment.

"if you guys keep whining about it. nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh" Lucas mocked.

Mike pushed Lucas towards the doors, the others following behind. "just please stop talking, dude"

"Let me guess. you were busy" Lucas eggs on, Jeremiah added in kissing noises for good measure.

Mike pushes Jeremiah playfully. "oh, yeah, real mature, guys"

"Oh, El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends," Lucas adds, causing Will and Jeremiah to laugh.

"Lucas, stop," Max warns.

"Will and jere think it's funny" he points out.

"because it is," Will replies.

Mike rolls his eyes. "yeah, it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend"

"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend," Lucas said as he threw his arm around Max.

"yeah, me too," Jeremiah added as he put his arm around Will and pulled him closer, making Will laugh.

The group made their way down the escalator shouting apologies to the people they bumped into. When they made it off the escalator Mike practically pushed a girl out of the way.

"yeah, watch it, nerd!"

"Hi, Jeremy!" Exclaimed two voices at once. Jeremiah didn't even have to look to see who it was. The first voice was Erica, Lucas's little sister and the other was his little brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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