Part 10: Self doubts.

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"So Ash you been enjoying the Hoenn region haven't you?" Misty asked and he nodded.

"It's been really fun!" Ash said.

"Gotta agree with Ash!" Ritchie and Brock said.

Misty looked at Savanna and May.

"Well aren't you going to introduce me?" Misty said.

Ash moved out of the way and pointed.

"Oh right! Savanna and May this is Misty from Cerulean city! She's the gym leader! And Misty this is Savanna the Hoenn champion's daughter, and May who's planning to become top coordinator!" Ash said.

"Cool! I knew I seen from somewhere! I saw your match with Ash Savanna! You did great in your first league! Unlike Ash." Misty teased and Ash glared. "Also congrats Ash for making it to the finals! And May you did great in the grand festival!" 

Savanna chuckled sightly.

"T-thanks Misty..." Savanna said and then she went silent again.

"Oh Brock and Ritchie! How you two been?" Misty asked.

"We been great!" They both said.

"Thanks Misty!" May said and Savanna looked at her and then looked back down.

"Now come on! Let's go get a drink!" Misty said, running off, the group followed.

A couple of minutes later, The group were sitting at the table having some juice.

Ash and Misty were talking and Savanna looked on in Jealously.

Brock, Ritchie and May were talking.

Savanna didn't know what this fire was, she never felt it when Ash was talking with May..... But why now with Misty? 

Savanna shook her head.

"Hey Savanna you okay? You been quiet something up?" Ritchie asked.

"Yeah I am fine!" Savanna said.

"Okay then...." Ritchie said.

Savanna went back to being quiet.

Misty looked at Savanna and giggled quietly.

Savanna got up and walked upstairs to a guest room.

"I guess she wants to be alone." Misty said "I will go check up on her." Misty said, getting up and she ran upstairs.

Meanwhile in the Guest room.

Savanna was sitting on the bed.

"Well... I guess Ash doesn't like me only as a friend..." Savanna said, as Misty knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?" Misty asked.

"Sure..." Savanna said and Misty opened the door and then closed it and walked over and sat down besides Savanna.

"What's wrong?" Misty asked.

"Well... I guess I could tell you... You see Misty.... I have this crush on Ash.... For a while actually... Before I even met him! And.... When he was talking to you... I felt.... " Savanna was about to say and Misty cut Savanna off"Jealous..." Misty said, "Savanna... Ash likes you! I have to admit I used to have one on him too, but I knew it was just a childhood thing. Anyway, Savanna Ash cares a lot about you and... You mean a lot to him... I heard it in his voice when he was talking about you..." Misty chuckled.

"Well.... I guess?.... I only told May this... Because she's my childhood friend after all..." Savanna said.

"I am glad I didn't tell my sister about my crush on Ash.. They would've teased me to death!" Misty said and Savanna chuckled.

"I do have Siblings but I can't really relate to that." Savanna said.

"How many?" Misty asked.

"Two brothers.... Who didn't seem to like me growing up.." Savanna said.

"Well.... Now... You have other brother and sisters." Misty said.

"What do you mean?" Savanna asked. 

"Well.. I mean that Brock, Ritchie, May and me too think of you as our sibling!" Misty said and Savanna smiled.

"Thanks.." Savanna said and she got up.

"Now let's go before everyone gets worried." Savanna said and Misty nodded and got up, and they both opened the door and walked out, Misty closed the door.


Ash turned around and smiled at Savanna.

"I am glad your okay!" Ash said, getting up and he ran over and hugged Savanna.

Savanna tensed up a little from the physical contact, but she relaxed.

Misty stood besides May and they giggled.

"You know too huh?" May whispered into Misty's ear.

Misty nodded.

Ash let go and then blushed.

"Sorry about that." Ash said and Savanna shook her head.

"It's Fine...." Savanna said.

Ash and Savanna looked at each other and smiled.

Brock chuckled.

A/N: Read and review!

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now