Part 34: So much for Savanna's Happy ending.

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Our heroes have made it to a Pokecenter, Brock obviously being the simp he is runs up to the Nurse joy, before getting pulled by Savanna and thrown.

Savanna, and the others asked Nurse joy to heal their Pokemon which she does.

"You can train your Pokemon outside if you like." Nurse joy said, Savanna smiled and everyone ran out.

A couple of minutes later outside.

Savanna was supposed to be training her Pokemon, but she was currently standing in front of a girl who seemed real snotty.

"Let's make this easy!" The girl said "Well your probably real slow anyway!" Savanna growled.

"Guys where did Savanna go?" Ritchie asked, Brock pointed and everyone looked over.

Savanna started running towards the girl, Savanna jumped ready to land a punch to the girl's head.

But then the girl shot off an aura sphere, hitting Savanna in the stomach, sending her flying.

"Savanna!" Ash called out, Savanna opened her eyes and shot off her aura sphere, but the girl dodged and jumped and she kicked Savanna down, sending her to the ground.

Then the girl got on top of Savanna and started beating her up.

Savanna closed her eyes due to the pain.

"Savanna!" Ash yelled out, Ash started running.

Then Nurse joy and a boy who seemed to be the same age as Savanna came out.

"Brad can you stop Alexandra?!" Nurse joy asked her son.

Brad nodded and ran.

"STOP!"Brad yelled and Alexandra got off of Savanna and looked at Brad and blushed.

Brad looked over at Savanna.

"Savanna.... I haven't seen her in forever!" Brad said 

Ash ran over and picked up Savanna and sat down.

"Savanna say something please!" Ash said.

Savanna's eyes were shaking and she grunted in pain.

Nurse joy and Brad ran over.

"We gotta get Savanna to a Pokecenter quickly!" Nurse joy said, Ash got up and ran off, the others soon followed.

Alexandra sighed sadly.

A couple of minutes later.

Savanna was lying on the Pokecenter's bed, while Brad's hands were glowing.

"Brad's healing powers should be able to heal Savanna's wounds." Nurse joy said.

Savanna opened one eye and Brad put his hands away and smiled towards Savanna, Savanna blushed.

"Savanna?" Ritchie said, Ash looked on in Jealously.

"All this attention from Brad is making Savanna better already!" May said.

"It looks like true love to me." Brock said, Savanna turned over and closed her eyes.

"All she needs is some rest and she will be fine.." Nurse joy said, walking out of the room.

Brad smiled and walked after his Mom.

"Woah.... I didn't know Savanna had another crush!" May said.

"Yeah but her confidence isn't exactly up right now especially after what happened." Brock said.

Savanna opened her eyes, the memories coursing through her head again.

Ash and the others walked out.

"Savanna needs some rest that's all and she will be all good as new." Ash said, closing the door.

In the room.

Savanna got up and growled.

Savanna opened up the window and climbed out and ran off.

"Alright just going to walk around Mom see you!" Brad said, running off.

Nurse joy nodded.

The others stood besides Nurse Joy.

"So How does Savanna know Brad?" Ritchie asked.

"Well... You see me and Brad were in Hoenn before we moved here, and Savanna and Brad became very good friends... But Since Brad moved here to Kanto, some things changed" Nurse joy said.


Savanna stood on the other side, glaring at Alexandra, Alexandra glared back.

Savanna started running and she started powering up an Aura sphere in her hand.

Alexandra ran and Savanna shot off the aura sphere, but Alexandra dodged it and kneeled Savanna in the stomach, sending her flying
Savanna hit the ground, Alexandra ran towards Savanna again.

Savanna smirked and got up and moved over to the side and punched Alexandra in the face, sending her back.

Alexandra shot off rapid fire Aura spheres, Savanna moved up her arms and covered the attacks and growled in pain.

She opened her eyes as she remembered who she was doing this for.

Savanna started running and tackled Alexandra, causing her to hit the ground.

Savanna then powered up an Aura sphere, and hit Alexandra with it.

Savanna jumped and stood in front of Alexandra.

Brad then came.

Savanna's cheeks grew a tinted red.

"Alexandra!" Brad said, and he ran towards Alexandra, Savanna started getting hearts in her eyes.

Savanna then opened her arms wide.

But.... Brad ran passed Savanna causing the hearts from Savanna"s eyes to disappear, Savanna opened her eyes and blinked, turned around.

"Alexandra, are you okay?!" Brad asked, kneeling down.

Alexandra tried moving up her head but couldn't.

Brad got his hands out and they started glowing.

"he cares about her more than I?!" Savanna said in her mind.

Brad put his hands away and got up, Alexandra got up too.

Both of them smiled at each other and they started hugging each other.

Savanna shook her head, as Brad and Alexandra started moving around slowly.

Savanna realized that Brad had rejected her....
Savanna started backing up and she fell on her hands and knees and shook.

"Why? Just why?!" Savanna looked at her hands, they shook...

Her pride had been shattered into pieces alongside her heart...

Ash and the others came.

Ash ran over to Savanna and knelt down.

"Savanna what are you doing here?!" Ash asked.

Savanna couldn't hear him, her pride felt like it was trying to block all hearing...

"Savanna did win the game of War and Revenge but lost the game of love..." Brock said.

"So she won and she lost? Make up your mind Brock" Ash said, Everyone except Savanna and Ash groaned.

A couple of hours later.

Our heroes waved bye to everyone else.

But one girl was still... Broken....

A/N: Read and review!

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now