Part 17: A new Pokemon!!!!!!!!

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Our heroes were walking.

"Hey guys look!" Brock said pointing "A Pokemon daycare!" Savanna's and May's eyes lit up.

"They gotta have Pokemon eggs!" Savanna and May said and they ran off 

The boys sighed and slowly followed.

Savanna and May stopped and looked around in awe.

"Alright come on out everyone!" Savanna and May said as they threw their Pokeballs.

Savanna's Pokemon were Dratini, Pikachu (who jumped off of Savanna's shoulder) Grovyle, Swampert, Mightyena, and Silvally.

May's Pokemon were Combusken, Munchlax and Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. 

Ash and the others made it.

They got out their Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu and Ritchie's jumped off their trainer's shoulders 

Ash's Pokemon were Pikachu, Grovyle, Phanpy, Corphish, and Swellow., and Torkoal. 

Ritchie's Pokemon were Swellow nicknamed Rose, His Pikachu Sparky, His Tyranitar nicknamed Cruise, His Charizard nicknamed Zippo, Butterfree nicknamed Happy, and his Grovyle nicknamed Blade.

"Wait Ritchie since when you had a Grovyle?!" Ash asked.

"Before I traveled with you guys, I didn't really bring him out due to his hostile nature with Male Pokemon." Ritchie said.

Brock's Pokemon were Steelix and Fortress (idk how to spell it) 

"You guys have raised your Pokemon well!" Someone said as our heroes turned around and saw an Old Lady with a Dragonite by her side and Dratini looked up in awe.

"Uhh Thanks." Savanna said.

"Aww Thank you I do my best!" May said.

"Thanks!" The boys said.

Savanna's Silvally growled as the old lady walked over with her Dragonite following.

"Shh it's okay, I am not here to hurt you." The Old lady said, petting Savanna's Silvally.

Silvally closed it's eyes and growled.

Savanna smiled.

The Old Lady backed up and Silvally opened it's eyes.

"Now you guys must be hungry, follow me." The Old lady said and she walked off, everyone followed, except the Pokemon who jumped over the fence, well In Dratini's case she got help from Silvally.

A couple of minutes later.

Our heroes and their Pokemon were eating.

"This is so good!!" Ash said, his stomach filled with food.

"Thank you." The old lady said as Savanna looked over and put her bowl down and got up, and walked over.

"Are these Eevee eggs?" Savanna asked, turning around to look at the lady.

May got up and walked over and stood besides Savanna.

"Correct... They are... They haven't hatched sadly" The old lady said.

"Hmm... Can I hold one?" Savanna asked and the lady nodded.

Savanna grabbed the egg and sat back down.

"Can I too?" May asked, The lady nodded again  and May grabbed the egg and sat down.

Meanwhile outside, Pokespeech.

"Grovyle you been training for days...." Swampert said.

"I don't care! I need to evolve, everyone else did except Ash's, but still!" Savanna's Grovyle said and Swampert sighed. 

"Well training won't help you. Your Heart is the one to decide whether you evolve or not, that's what happened with me at least..." Swampert said.

"I can't stop." Savanna's Grovyle said, shooting another bullet seed.

"Is this because Char's gone?" Silvally said.

Savanna's Grovyle turned around.

"No it isn't!" Savanna's Grovyle denied.

Then a couple of people with Motorcycles came.

"Alright, Get all the Pokemon here!" Poacher 1 said.

"Shit... We gotta protect this place!" Savanna's Grovyle said, charging up an leaf blade and running.

"Let's go Blastoise!" Poacher 2 said, throwing out a PokeBall and out came Blastoise.

"Rapid Spin!" Poacher 2 commanded and Blastoise got into it's shell and span towards Grovyle, hitting her, sending her back into a tree.

Everyone ran out.

"Grovyle!" Savanna said in concern and she ran up it, but Blastoise span towards Savanna as Savanna clutched the Eevee egg tightly and then the rapid Spin hit, sending Savanna back.

"Savanna!" Everyone yelled out in concern as Savanna slid across the ground, while still holding the Eevee egg.

"Combusken! Sky Uppercut!" May commanded as Combusken's claws started glowing and she ran towards Blastoise.

"Blaziken, help Blastoise out!" Poacher 2 said, throwing out the ball and out came his Blaziken.

"Overheat!" Poacher 2 commanded and Blazkien shot off the overheat, hitting Combusken, sending it flying into May,

"May!" everyone yelled out in concern.

May was still holding onto the egg as she slid across the ground.

Combusken got up and ran and stood in front of May and growled.

Savanna shook her head and got up.

"Swampert let's show em! Water gun!" Savanna commanded and Swampert nodded and shot off the water.

May's Combusken shot off a Fire spin, it merged with the water gun, hitting the Poachers, blasting them off...

Savanna smiled as her Eevee egg began to glow.

"It's hatching!" Savanna said and she ran and May got up and ran and everyone surrounded her.

Than May's egg began to glow too.

"Mine's hatching too!" May said as her and Savanna put their eggs down, and the eggs began to crack.

The Eggs fully broke off revealing two Eevees.

Savanna's eyes sparkled, May"s did too, Savanna's Eevee tackled Savanna onto the ground and started nuzzling her.

"Hey, do you have a phone here? Also Brock heal my Grovyle please and thank you!" Savanna got up, held the Eevee in her arms, returned her Mighyena.

"we also have a phone." The Old Lady said as Savanna ran off and Brock followed and then ran back out, and went to Savanna's Grovyle and started healing it.

A day later.

May caught her Eevee and Savanna gave Mightyena to Professor Birch and now.

Savanna was looking at Eevee like it was her first Pokemon.

"Eevee, do you want to come with me?" Savanna asked.

Eevee jumped into Savanna's arms and her tail wagged, Savanna smiled.

"I guess that's a yes..." May grabbed a Pokeball out of Savanna's bag.

Savanna nodded and got the Ball out of May's hand and tapped Eevee with it, making Eevee go in.

It dinged once, twice, than finally... A third time, it stopped..

Savanna raised the Pokeball high up into the air...

"I caught an Eevee!" Savanna exclaimed.

The Old Lady smiled and said "Take care of those Eevees you two.." Savanna and May nodded.

A couple of minutes later, our heroes walked off, waving bye to the old lady.

A/N: Damn You school, anyway, Savanna and May now has an Eevee, next chapter you will see how different these two are! Anyway, Read and review!

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now