Part 43: May's Grand Festival Part 2.

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Savanna was sitting by herself in the Indigo Plateau, she then saw Drew walking over.

"Hey have you noticed how Naive May is towards Harley?" Drew said, sitting down besides Savanna.

"Yeah... She shouldn't take Harley's advice, all he's trying to do is to make her lose.." Savanna said, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah I hear you... And trying to convince her Harley is just trying to make her lose doesn't work" Drew said.

"She's always been stubborn since me and her were kids." Savanna said.

"Wait you knew her since you were kids?!" Drew asked/exclaimed.

"Yeah, since Preschool. We were the same person but I was well known she was not. She didn't like Pokemon well I did. So we were opposite in our interests, personality not so much" Savanna said.

Drew chuckled.

Savanna looked over and saw Ash, looking at Drew and Savanna with a jealous look.

May nudged Ash.

"Ash chill out Drew isn't going to steal Savanna or anything" May said, trying her hardest not to giggle.

"B-but still!" Ash blushed, he wished that was him talking to Savanna right now.

"Hey guys!" Everyone looked over and saw Savanna's father (NOT STEVEN STONE NOR WALLACE)

"Dad!!!" Savanna ran up and hugged her father.

"Hey Savanna how you doing?!?!?" Savanna's father asked.

"Good!" Savanna said, as both father and daughter let go.

"I'm so proud you made it to the grand festival May!" Savanna's father said.

"Thank you Mr. Hoenn champion." May said.

"Hoenn champion... I would like to battle you!" Ash asked.

"Battle Me? Sure! After May's first appeal round" Savanna's father said, Ash grinned, he was happy that he could battle Savanna's father and show him that he was strong but also so to impress Savanna.

After May's first appeal round (I don't know how to write contests so I'm not even going to try) 

Savanna's father was on one side of the battlefield and Ash was on the other.

"Go Charizard!" Savanna's father threw the Pokeball and out came a very powerful Charizard, who roared after being released from its Pokeball.

"Let's do this buddy go!" Ash pointed and his Pikachu jumped off of Ash's shoulder and landed on the ground.

"Quick attack!" Ash commanded and his Pikachu ran and glowed white.

"Thunder punch" Savanna's Father commanded and his Charizard's fist started crackling with electricity and the thunder punch and the quick attack collided but the thunder punch over powered the quick attack, which sent Pikachu flying.

"Pikachu!!" Ash called out in concern.

"Flamethrower!" Savanna's father commanded and Charizard shot off the flamethrower, hitting Ash's Pikachu, sending it to the ground, but Pikachu landed on it's feet.

Ash smirked as he thought of a plan.

"Pikachu, Iron tail!" Ash said, Pikachu's tail glowed grey and it jumped, ready to hit Charizard.

"Thunder punch" Savanna's father commanded and Charizard's fist started glowing yellow and both moves collided and the thunder punch over powered the quick attack again, and sent Pikachu flying.

"Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded and Pikachu shot off the attack, hitting Charizard, sending it towards the ground.

"Charizard?" Savanna's father asked out in concern for his partner Pokemon.

Charizard raised up it's head and shook it and roared towards Savanna's father and turned back and got up.

"Flamethrower!" Savanna's father commanded and Charizard shot off the flamethrower.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded and Pikachu shot off the thunderbolt, the flamethrower overpowered the thunderbolt, hitting Pikachu.

"Pikachu!' Ash yelled out in concern.

Pikachu got up slowly.

"Quick attack!" Ash commanded and Pikachu ran and glowed white and Pikachu tackled Charizard in the stomach and bounced off of Charizard.

"Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded and Pikachu shot off thunderbolt, hitting Charizard causing it to go on one knee, Pikachu landed back on the ground.

Charizard got up and growled.

"Pikachu again!" Ash commanded and Pikachu jumped up and fired off another thunderbolt, hitting Charizard and it started panting.

Pikachu landed back on the ground and on one knee.

"Flamethrower!" Savanna's father commanded and Charizard fired off the flamethrower, hitting Ash's Pikachu, sending it back.

"Pikachu!" Ash called out, his Pikachu got up slowly.

"Fly up!" Savanna's father commanded and Charizard roared and flew.

"Flamethrower!" Savanna's Father commanded and Charizard shot off the flamethrower.

"Iron tail against the ground!" Ash commanded and Pikachu jumped up and it's tail glowed and Pikachu slammed it against the ground, creating a pile of dust, protecting it's self and stopping the flamethrower.

"Dragon claw!" Savanna's father commanded.

"iron tail!' Ash commanded, both Pokemon fired off their attacks, but Charizard's overpowered Pikachu's and Pikachu was knocked out.

A couple of hours later.

"Dang Ash, you lost against Savanna's father?! At least he's impressed." May said, sipping on her tea.

"Did you know if you got into the next round?" Ash said.

"Yeah. I did!" May said.

Savanna grinned.

"congrats May!" Savanna said, looking at a map of a region called Sinnoh.

"I just hope I get to beat brandon!" Ash said.

"Let me battle him first and we will start talking!" Savanna said.

"Like they all say Ladies first Ash!" May said.

Ash rolled his eyes and said "Fineeeeee......"

Savanna and May giggled.

A/N: I'M SOOOOO SORRRRRYYYYYYY I been busy really busyyyyyyy, I had zero fire to write this fanfic lol. I'm also back in school now so I won't be able to update often sorry! I have been planning this chapter for awhile. But mental stuff got in the wayyy soooooo...... gotta love mental health..... Anyway! Sorry if this chapter isn't good i'm in class right now sooooo...... Anyway, I hope you been well!!! Make sure to READ AND REVIEW!!!!!! 

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now