Part 15: Pokemon's POV.

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Savanna's Grovyle's POV.

I was standing, glaring at my Trainer's Mightyena as I shot off my bullet seed. 

Mightyena dodged and growled.

My trainer looked at us and nodded and walked off.

I looked over and saw two boys talking with Brock and I  recognized them.

It was Tyson Savanna's Childhood friend and Josh my Trainer's rival.

All the others were busy talking and catching up, I started heading towards where My friend/ my crush was and I stood besides Tyson's Sceptile was and looked away.

Josh's Grovyle glared and shot off a bullet seed.

Tyson's Sceptile stood in front of me and took the attack with ease.

"Hey what the hell was that for!?!" Tyson's Sceptile asked.

"Stay away from her she's mine!" Josh's Grovyle said as he glowed white and he ran.

I looked around and I felt someone grab my hand.

I looked down and saw Ash's Grovyle and he ran off and stopped and let go of my hand.

"I don't want you to get hurt... This might get spicy." Ash's Grovyle said and I nodded as everyone else started watching the two.

Josh's Grovyle glared and got out a flower and put it on the ground and looked at me, I sighed.

Josh's Grovyle's leafs on it's wrists started glowing and he ran and slashed Tyson's Sceptile in the chest.

Tyson's Sceptile glowed white and tackled Josh's Grovyle and Josh's Grovyle got sent back a couple of feet.

He got up slowly and glared.

Tyson's Sceptile stood and then jumped and shot off a bullet seed, hitting Josh's Grovyle.

Josh's Grovyle blocked the attack and he started getting sent back.

Then the bullet seed stopped and Tyson's Sceptile landed on the ground and did a quick attack, hitting Josh's Grovyle in the chest, sending it to a tree knocking it out.

Josh ran up to his Pokemon and picked it up, the others ran over and Tyson's Sceptile walked over to me.

"You okay?" He asked me, I blushed and nodded.

Ash's Grovyle chuckled, I glared.

Mightyena walked over.

"Jealous much." Mightyena said, looking at Josh's Grovyle who Brock was currently healing.

"Sadly I have to agree." I said, sighing.

, Tyson's Sceptile looked at me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you sure your okay? It isn't your fault any of this is happening, just that Grovyle being mister jealous pants." Tyson's Sceptile said as I giggled.

A couple of hours later, I was sleeping, with Ash's Grovyle, Tyson's Sceptile and Josh's besides me.

But then I heard someone move, I opened one eye and saw Josh's Grovyle walked over to Tyson's Sceptile and glared, Tyson's Sceptile opened his eye and got up as quickly as he could.

I went to sleep again.

A couple of minutes later, I heard noises and grunts, I opened my eyes and saw, Josh's Grovyle and Tyson's Sceptile fighting.

Then finally, Josh's Grovyle slashed Tyson's Sceptile with an x-scissor, Tyson's Sceptile cried out in pain and then fell over.

Josh's Grovyle smirked and I got up and ran over.

Josh's Grovyle looked over and started getting hearts in his eyes, and he opened his arms wide.

I sighed and ran past him.

I knelt down towards Tyson's Sceptile and got out a citrus Berry and Tyson's Sceptile slowly moved up his head and ate it.

Tyson's Sceptile got up and I did too as Josh's Grovyle looked over and blinked for a second.

I smiled and started nuzzling him, Tyson's Sceptile smiled and wrapped an arm around me, then...

Josh's Grovyle's eyes widen and he fell onto his hands and knees and shook, as the flower besides him died.

The sun rose and the first people to come out were Savanna and Josh.

"What happened to my Grovyle?" Josh said, pointing then "ohhhh..." Josh realized.

"Wow... That's umm sad for Grovyle..." Savanna said.

Then, Josh's Grovyle suddenly got up and glared at me and Tyson's Sceptile as I backed up as Josh's Grovyle began to glow.

"It's evolving." Josh said, as the leaf on top of his Grovyle's head began to disappear and then Grovyle began to grow taller.

Then it stopped, showing a Sceptile.

"Holy shit." Josh am Savanna said.

Josh's Sceptile ran and the leafs on his wrists started glowing, but then stopped and Sceptile's eyes widen.

"What happened to my attack!" Josh's Sceptile said.

Which of course the only thing Josh and Savanna heard was Scep tile?!" 

"What's with his attacks they just stopped!" Josh yelled as Savanna jumped.

Everyone woke up soon after and Josh explained everything.

Josh's Sceptile shot off a bullet seed, but that turned into blanks too.

Josh sighed and returned his Sceptile.

"Sorry about that..." Josh said.

"Someone has changed a lot... The last time I saw em." Savanna said.

"I only changed because...." Josh said.

Tyson's Sceptile and I backed up, I waved bye and ran off, Tyson and Josh returned their Pokemon and waved bye to the group and walked off.


Something was flying through the skies towards our heroes.

A/N: Read and review!

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now