Part 47: Past wounds.

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A/N: Yay!!! You get to hear more about Savanna's past! This is a chapter I wanted to do for so long! But I didn't know how to write this into Savanna's story! Hope you enjoy it anyway! 

 [Pokestar studios, Unova Region. Date: May 4th yyyy.]

"I don't want to!" The younger Savanna yelled. 

Savanna tried to take the dress off, but the stylist wasn't having it. 

"Miss Savanna. You have to." The Stylist yelled.

The Younger Savanna sighed and nodded. 

A couple of minutes later. 

The Younger Savanna had makeup on, a dress on and high heels.

The Younger Savanna began walking up to the stage set.

The flashing lights blinded her eyes. 

The audience scared her a bit, so much chatter.

The Younger Savanna knew she had to shake the thoughts out of her head and got on set.

[A couple of hours later]

Younger Savanna was in front the mirror. Savanna teared up, she didn't want to do this anymore, she didn't want this fame, but she didn't want to sound ungrateful.

Savanna looked into the mirror, feeling that she was just seeing her character she was acting as not herself.

Savanna touched the mirror with her hand and smiled faintly, seeing the hand clearing it up.

[Present Day]

Savanna was training her Pokemon, hard.

She lost her battle against Brandon, now she wanted to become stronger.

Savanna a girl from Littleroot town with a heart of gold may have been affected by some open wounds...

Savanna was never the one to talk about her past, more or less the other side of her past with others. 

Savanna was never really taught how to give affection or ask for it.

Savanna's Pokemon whimpered in concern for their trainer.

"I'm fine." Savanna said, obviously lying.

"Come on Brock's probably makin' dinner." Savanna said, walking off her Pokemon followed her.


Savanna, Ritchie, Ash, May, and Brock, and their Pokemon were eating. 

[Poke Speech]

"Something's wrong with Savanna." Savanna's Sceptile said, eating her food.

"I agree something is up." Savanna's Swampert said.

Savanna's Silvally was deep in thought.

"I might know what's up" Savanna's Silvally said.

"What's wrong with Savanna?" Savanna's Dragonair asked.

"Well.. During her childhood, she was forced to act. Even though she didn't want to do it. But due to her mother's demans for more money. She was forced..." Savanna's Silvally said.

All of Savanna's Pokemon were shocked to hear this, heartbroken that their trainer got their childhood taken away.

"As a kid you should be able to enjoy life. Not work." Savanna's Swampert said.

"Savanna just had a little PTSD moment that's all" Savanna's Silvally said.

"Wait is Savanna diagnosed with PTSD?" Savanna's Espeon asked.

"No.. but I generally think she has it. She gets nightmares almost every night due to the trauma that her young fame produced." Savanna's Silvally said.

Ash's Pikachu decided to join in on the conversation.

"Savanna was a child actor?" Ash's Pikachu asked.

"Yeah. She doesn't like talking about it though. One day she will probably open up about it but I don't know." Savanna's Silvally said.

"Well no matter what we will stick by her side!" Savanna's Pikachu said, Everyone cheered.

[Back to Human speech]

Ash and May, and Brock were still eating, while Savanna and Ritchie were taking a walk.

"Let's hope you can beat Brandon Ash!" May said.

"I sure hope I will" Ash said.

[With Savanna and Ritchie]

Ritchie noticed something was off with Savanna.

Ritchie put his hand on Savanna's shoulder and asked "Are you okay?" Ritchie had a concern look on his face.

"I'm fine." Savanna said.

"No you aren't. Talk to me I'm your friend aren't I?" Ritchie said.

Savanna was silent for a few moments, trying to find the words to say to Ritchie.

"I was remembering something..." Savanna took a deep breath as she began to explain more "I was a child actor... And there was some days that I would remember those moments... And wondered if I would be able to make a name for myself one day aside the Hoenn Champion's daughter or the Pokemon musical girl."

"You can make a name for yourself! I know it!" Ritchie said, Savanna looked towards Ritchie.

"I believe in you Savanna! I always will. No matter what you need or if you just need someone to talk to I'm here." Ritchie said, Savanna smiled.

"Thanks! Now... Wanna train when we get back?" Savanna asked.

"Sure that sounds nice." Ritchie said.

Both her and Ritchie began to walk back to camp.

A/N: Hope you enjoy that! Also I'm on my winter break now yay! So that means new chapters hopefully if I get the motivation. Also Update.

Sinnoh Wil hopefully start soon  if I get this done in time lmao. But I hope you enjoy and make sure to read and review!

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now