Part 32: insecurities

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"Alright Sceptile Leaf blade!"  Savanna commanded and Sceptile's leafs on her wrists started glowing and she ran and slashed a tree.

"Alright Eevee and Dratini! Use your attacks!" Savanna's Eevee glowed and ran and Sceptile jumped and landed in front of a lake and then turned around and looked at it.

Dratini then shot off a Water pulse after Eevee, who jumped and dodged it.

Savanna's Sceptile was looking at the water, then back at Ash's Sceptile and thought "Why does he look normal?!"

Savanna's Sceptile looked back at the water.

Savanna turned around and saw her newly evolved Sceptile deep in thought.

Savanna walked over to her Sceptile and put her hand on Sceptile's shoulder.

Sceptile looked at Savanna with her red eyes.

"Sceptile... Don't care what you look like, it makes you more unique and me more proud to be your trainer.." Savanna comforted but Sceptile closed her eyes and looked away and ran off.

"Sceptile!" Savanna yelled, running after Sceptile and returned her Pokemon.

Everyone looked on.

"Poor Sceptile.... She was so excited to evolve." May said, Everyone nodded.

"But I know Savanna can help Sceptile.... It's her job as a trainer to comfort her Pokemon at a time like this." Brock said.

Meanwhile Pokespeech.

Sceptile was running through the woods with voices in her head telling her that she's too different to be in the group, or she's too ugly to get a mate so forth.

Sceptile grabbed a tree and started banging her head on it.

"You piece of shit!" BANG "Ugly!" Bang! "Piece of trash!" BANG! "YOU" Bang! "UGLY" Bang! "PIECE OF TRASH!" Sceptile banged her head one more time, before backing up.

"What's wrong with me?!" Sceptile cried out, falling onto her hands and knees.

"Sceptile?" Sceptile heard someone say.

She moved up her head and looked at Savanna.

Human speech.

"Sceptile... I don't care what you look like, we are all different and that's okay..." Savanna said, Sceptile only closed it's eyes and growled.

Then she suddenly opened her eyes.

"What is it?!" Savanna asked and she looked around, then she heard buzzing.

"Oh shit.... Beedrill!" Savanna said, running off, Sceptile followed.

They suddenly stopped.

"Shit waterfall...." Savanna said, growling and then she turned around, seeing the Beedrills surrounding her and Sceptile.

"Bullet seed!" Savanna commanded, Sceptile nodded and stood in front of Savanna and shot off the bullet seed, it hits but it barely did anything, then the Beedrills flew towards Savanna"s Sceptile.

She raised up her arms as the Beedrills started stinging her.

"Sceptile!" Savanna got out a Pokeball.

"You will be safe in here" Savanna said, but The Beedrill stung Sceptile in the stomach, sending her back into Savanna, causing Savanna to drop the PokeBall.

They both started falling into the water.

Sceptile got up and grabbed onto a rock, she saw Savanna was underwater, trying to swim back up.

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now