Part 19: The Battle Dome!

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"Finally we are here!" Savanna said.

"Alright let's go!" Ash said as he started walking until a crowd of people started running up to them.

"Are you the ones facing Tucker?!" One of the reporters said.

"Ah shit it's my childhood all over again!"  Savanna exclaimed. "Know what I fucking recommend?" 

"What?!" everyone besides Savanna asked.

"RUN!" Savanna yelled as she ran off, the group and the reporters followed.


"Leave her and her friends please and thank you." Savanna heard someone say and she stopped and everyone bumped into her, they all fell onto the ground.

Savanna turned her head around.

"Dad?!" Savanna exclaimed and everyone got up.

Savanna's father turned around and smirked and turned back around.

"Now please leave." Savanna's father said.

The reporters nodded and stepped out of the way.

Savanna's father walked off, Savanna and her friends followed. 

"Pika?" Savanna's Pikachu said and she titled her head.

"You see Savanna, I came here to watch your battle against Tucker!" Savanna's father said.

"Wow thanks Dad..." Savanna said then she realized something "Where's Mom?" 

"She's at home with your brother like always, and your older brother hasn't called.. And all that stuff, so she's staying home... Like always." Savanna's father said.

"Of course... Let's not care about her daughter's own fucking journey and shit." Savanna said.

"Yeah... Your probably more successful than your older brother at least in my eyes" Savanna's father said.

"I guess." Savanna said.

"Now come on... I can get you guys really good seats and give the entrance My daughter deserves for her battle!" Savanna's father said, Savanna rolled her eyes.

A couple of minutes later.

"Hello can my daughter battle the battle frontier brain tucker?" Savanna's father asked the lady at the desk.

 "Well... She needs the VIP membership, also two frontier symbols an-" The lady stopped her sentence as she looked up.

"Oh Hoenn champion! Umm your daughter can follow me to the locker room and her friends and you can get front row seats!" The Lady said, grabbing Savanna's hand and walking off.

Savanna's Pikachu sweat dropped.

A couple of minutes later.

"Where is my daughter!?!" Savanna's father said and then the platform started rising up.

"Today everyone! We have a battle between the champion's daughter SAVANNA!!!" Let's give her an round of applause!" The announcer said, as the crowd roared and started clapping, Savanna started waving.

"Now for everyone's favorite Star, everyone's favorite trainer!! Please give a round of applause to DOME ACE TUCKER!!!!!!" The announcer yelled as Tucker jumped down from some random place and looked down, then looked up.

The girls except May started screaming.

"Holy shit this is worse than probably My Dad's matches!" Savanna said.


"Alright! Pikachu go!" Savanna pointed and Pikachu jumped off of Savanna's shoulder and got on the battlefield with sparks coming out of her cheeks.

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now