Part 28: The Battle Pike!

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After weeks of training and traveling our heroes made it to The Battle Pike, Ash's Phanpy evolved during that time too, May won her third contest ribbon.

"Alright let's gooo!!!" Savanna said as she ran off.

"Savanna wait for us!" Everyone said, they ran off.

A couple of minutes later.

Savanna and the others made it and they looked around in awe.

"Wow! So cool!" Savanna said in awe.

"Who are you?!" Everyone looked over.

"First of all. WHO ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!????!!!!!!!!" Savanna yelled.

"I'm the Battle Pike's sister! What's your name?!" The person said as they started butting heads. 

"My Name is Savanna you piece of shit! And I'm the Hoenn champion's daughter!" Savanna said and the lady backed up and gasped.

"I FINALLY GET TO MEET YOU!" The person said, grabbing Savanna's hands.

"Uhhh..." Savanna sweat dropped.

Someone behind them cleared their throat.

The lady turned around.

"Lucy hi!" The person let go of Savanna's hands and ran up to her sister and stood besides her.

Brock started getting hearts in his eyes and he ran up to Lucy and grabbed her hands.

"Hi Lucy the name's Brock, nice to meet you, I was wondering if you would like to g-" Brock said, but he was grabbed by the ear by Lucy's sister.

"Please leave my sister alone." Lucy's sister said and Lucy blushed?!

Savanna noticed the redness on Lucy's cheeks and chuckled.

"Anyway, What's your names?" Lucy asked as everyone besides Savanna introduced themselves.

"I see.... You guys here for a battle?" Lucy asked.

"Well... Savanna and Ash are." Ritchie said.

"I see... Let's see, Ash how about you go first." Lucy said, Ash nodded. 

A day later.

Ash got his Frontier symbol, now it was Savanna's turn.

"The best for last!" Lucy's sister said.

Savanna sighed.

"Alright trainers this will be a two on two! Send out your Pokemon!" The Ref yelled.

"Alright.... Go Eevee" Savanna said, throwing out the PokeBall and out came the fox like Pokemon.

"Impressive, alright go Seviper!" Lucy threw out the PokeBall and out came the Poison snake Pokemon.

Eevee growled.

Seviper only glared.

"Eevee, Quick attack!" Savanna commanded, Eevee glowed white and ran towards Seviper.

"Flamethrower!" Lucy commanded and Seviper shot off the flames towards Eevee.

"Dodge it!" Savanna shouted, Eevee jumped and tackled Seviper, hitting it in the face.

"Poison tail!" Lucy commanded, Seviper shook off the quick attack, it's tail started glowing purple and it swung it's tail, hitting Eevee, sending it back, causing it to slid across the ground a little bit.

"Eevee!" Savanna shouted out in concern, Eevee got up slowly.

But it was poisoned.

"It's poisoned shit..." Savanna gritted her teeth.

Savanna's battle frontier journey! (Sequel to My Journey in the Hoenn region)Where stories live. Discover now