30. the island of remembrance

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It had been one months now since the Right Arm camp was destroyed. And they all took off into a new island, well, it's more of a Port but Vicky most likely to call it an island. Vicky calls it 'The Rosemary'

Vicky names it after a flower, that's meaning: Remembrance. Vicky wants the island to be the island of remembrance. Not really sure why, she just thought it was cool. And the island they are in was abandoned, just a few glasses of bottles scattering around, abandoned things all over the places. It took them awhile to cleaned it all up, but just like Nancy said, the only way to fix a mess is fixes it as a 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘮.

There wasn't really a set job, but there's a few chores, whether it's; cooking, doing laundry, washing the clothes, take out trash. But that's only for the ones who wants to be average, but for the A- team. Nancy would called it, she takes it after her real name by the way, Annette. (Jorge told her.)

For the A-team, what they were doing is kind of serious; patrolling the island (they have a watchtower), exploring and digging informations about WICKED' plans. And of course the member of the A-team is; Nancy, Vicky, Bea, Thomas, Newt and Frypan — Vicky begged for Brenda and Harriet to joined the A-team, but with her condition, she would stay away for a moment, afraid she will crank out any time soon. For Harriet, she just chose both sides. (the average and A-team)

And for the adults — Vivian, Mary, Vincent and Jorge — Well, they makes their own team as well it is called: the V-team, having a fair argument between Vincent and Vivian, Thomas just decided the name V-team, suited for the Vs in their names.

For their relationships and friendships, well, after the betrayal of Thèrèse and Teresa. Newt was having a hard time trusting Bea, well, they still talked, but he was a bit unsure. Prim was too young to be in the A-team, after practically begging Nancy to made her as one of the members. Nancy decided for Prim to just help with everybody whether in the kitchen, or anywhere else, as long as it doesn't harm her. Prim was a little upset for 3 days, then she goes back to normal.

Mary had a little talk with Thomas, Bea and Prim. Surprising them with the news 'Oh hey, Thomas, meet your sisters Beatrice and Primrose. Oh hey, Primrose and Beatrice, meet your older brother, Thomas.'

And well, you can tell they didn't take the news seriously. Bea, Prim and Thomas fought for four days straight (real things siblings would do), Surprisingly, they're still alive.

For Nancy and Vicky's friendship? Nothing changed. Vicky and Nancy might get busy all the time, dealing with the island, but their friendship stays the same. And Nancy thanks the God for protecting their friendship.

And last but not least. Thomas and Nancy. Well, for Thomas and Nancy, you could say their relationship stays as 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴. They agreed that they both would supported eachother whenever the time is high or low, on their darkest or lightest time. They would be there for eachother, 𝘯𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵.

And you could say they are 𝘰𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 towards eachother feelings. But it was 𝘰𝘣𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 towards 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦, even Prim noticed. May God opened their eyes, that's what Bea said.

And not too mentioned, their surroundings can get some works. It's great but need more working. At the center of the island, was a small abandoned building, there were around five levels, and luckily, it can still hold and strong. It's just need a little work and repairs there and there.

Nancy suggested for it to be more like a meeting place; like when Vince wants to have his 'serious talk' about WICKED, then, they discussed it in that building. For events, occasions, a library, a surprise party, a medical rooms (like a tiny hospital) or for a game activities, a competition, extra bathrooms.

For their sleeping times, Nancy planned for them to built a hut, a tent, anything for their space and comfort, around the center of the building. And in one month, much to Nancy's impressed, they have finished five huts. They still need more woods and supplies, and certainly more time.

"Ah, I could stay up here all day." Nancy sighs, releasing her muscle as she spends her day up on the mountain, nearest the island. Feeling the breath of the winds breezing through her, relaxing herself as her braids sway to the direction of the winds, her arms behind her head. Snapping out of her dreamy state, "But, I have work to do, don't I?" She said, hating to stands up, but did it anyway.

Hopping from another cliffs to the another, she jumped herself onto the ground, climbing onto the bridge that connected from ground to the top of the watchtower. Nancy jumps from bridge to bridge, seeing that she is closer to the watchtower, well to the height of the watchtower. "Hey! Guys!" She calls out, using her hand to cup out her mouth. "You are officially relieved from guard duty!" Nancy yelled to Vicky and Bea; who were supposed to patrolling the island. "Guys?" She asked before groans.

Climbing into the bridge again to get a better look, "Why do we have to go through this every single-" She stops herself when she realized that the figures she's seeing are not Vicky and Bea. It was a.. mannequins of them makes by woods. "Are you kidding me?" Nancy gasps.

That's what they always do, playing around when they supposed to watched over the island. And it's always the same for Nancy to scolded them right after. And today is no difference.

"They didn't stand their watched, Tommy. Those dummies left two.. dummies in their place." Nancy complaints to Thomas. "You know, those dummies could be conceivably just as effective as Beatrice and Vicky." Thomas replies, leaning against the entrance of the building behinds him. "Not funny," Nancy argues, "We built that watchtower so that-"

"I know why we built that watchtower, Nancy." Thomas cuts her off.

"I just don't understand how this isn't making you completely insane."

"Because then there would be two crazy people in this conversation and we probably won't resolve anything."

"Are you saying-" Nancy narrows her eyes, "Nancy, let me talk to Bea and Vicky. I'll get their side of the story then we can figure out what we need to do." Thomas said, calming the blonde girl down. Nancy sighs, lowering her head,

"I guess that's a start."

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