46. she's gone too far this time

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"Agh! Today is exhausting," Thèrèse complained as soon as she opened the door. Teresa, who's been doing some studying on their desk, turns to look at the girl, who's now collapsing on top of her mattress.

Thèrèse breaths painfully, licking her lips. "My exams results will be out for an hour. I really need to get to my father." Thèrèse said, showing a small smile as Teresa nodded in understanding.

That's what Thèrèse likes about Teresa, they may not communicate much, but when they did, Teresa is the only one who understood her. Who listened to her. They say, Communication is a key, but Thèrèse always thought about understanding. What's the point of communicating if the other didn't understand?

"Do you need some space?" Teresa questions, placing down her pen. Thèrèse waves her off from her laying position, "Oh no. Don't worry, I'll be quick." Thèrèse said, exhaling in exhaustion. After working for 5 hours straight, and training for another 2 hours - a little quality time to spend with Teresa in the library would be fun.

"How is Minho?" Thèrèse asked, out of blue. Teresa's eyes widened slightly, "What?"

"Minho," Thèrèse repeated. "I heard they're taking more blood samples from him. Can't they let him rest or something?" Thèrèse commented. Teresa chuckled nervously, playing with her pen, "Yeah..."

After that, they just sat there in silence, the sound of Teresa's pen scrabbling down the paper, and Thèrèse' misty breathing echoed in the room.

Thèrèse stared at the ceiling, many thoughts running through her mind; her gaze lowered, before insecurely wrapped herself in a ball and turned sideways, her front facing the wall.

"I still need you, Thèrèse. I really do." Teresa said sincerely. It's not much but that's all Thèrèse needed to hear, but she didn't respond anything, just continued staring expressionless at nothing.

"I'm going to the tower." Thèrèse said blankly after a long minute pause. Teresa immediately turned around, watching the girl disappeared behind the door without looking back around.

On her way to the tower, Thèrèse was met with a news she never thought she would faced. Suddenly, the floor she's in started to hummed with sirens, alerting that something's serious is happening. Thèrèse frowns in confusion, wondering what's the fussing is all about.

A female nurse came across the hall she was in, frantically searching for someone urgently. When her eyes met Thèrèse' greens one down the hall, she immediately dashed forward, breathing heavily.

"Miss Thèrèse, they really need you back at level 13. It's very urgent and serious they said." The nurse informed, jabbing her finger behind her back.

Thèrèse mind immediately thought of one thing; Charles.

Thèrèse bolted across the hallways, cursing and praying mixed together in her swirling thoughts. She reached to the level-thirteen, Thèrèse quickly turned corner to corner, "Lead the way!" Thèrèse commands and the nurse nodded, jogging past her.

Thèrèse was breathing heavily, her heart picking up fast, praying that everything will worked out and her hard work really paid off this time; trying to save the humanity.

She spotted Ava Paige looking out the window she's supposed to treated her patient, bowing her head slightly. Thèrèse immediately felt the worse coming up, as she quickly zoomed towards her.

Ava Paige glanced over once Thèrèse made it to her side, "Thèrèse," She called, rubbing her back. "I'm sorry." Ava whispers.

Thèrèse eerily looks over at what's infront of her, and the horror scene unfold: Charles was thrashing around, skin pales, black and purple veins started to crawl and beginning to covered his whole body, his face was no longer the bright ones she used to remembered, the gargling sounds he makes.. he really truly changing. Thèrèse wanted to shout at the doctors to leave him be, telling them that he still can be saved. But she knew that it's hopeless. If she knew it all then, would she do it again?

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑,     𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗲 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now