7. alice in zombieland

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(A/N: hi guys, i feel like i haven't explain much about their past (thèrèse, vicky, bea and nancy) so i'm gonna make a few flashbacks and dreams, it's gonna be one hell of a work. btw their group name is "the tricky four" they are actually inspired by the marauders. so harry potter fans! hands up!)


fter the words slipped out of the girl's mouth, they looked at her quietly, blinking. "Are we really doing this right now?" Vicky whispered.

Bea noticed this and quickly defended herself, "Dude," She scoffed, "We don't know who or what could've been living down here for a long, long, long time ago. For all we knew, today- they could've been turned into skulls already, thousands of skeletons down here." She said, trying to make a point, thrashing her arms around.

"I wouldn't say thousands, but yeah let's make it work," Nancy mumbled, shrugging.

"She does have a point, you know." Thèrèse said. "She's right, but whatever it is inside this building, why don't we give it a try and check it out?" Thomas said, glancing at everyone, they all nodded quietly.

Minho was the first to move, following by Vicky and Winston, Nancy, Frypan and Newt next, with Teresa, Aris and Thèrèse, Bea walk past Thomas and patted his back, "Dude, if I die.. You're not invited to my funeral."

Thomas nodded his head and frown, soon, the groups makes a huddle circle in a room, observing everything inside the building. Minho and Vicky were the first to lead, because they were the ones with torchlights.

Later, almost all of them have torchlights. They all inspect the place carefully, the building was full with, clothes, toys, mannequins, and many more.

"Let's grab some stuff. Anything you'd think you might need. Let's try and split up, see if we can find something else, and be back here. This spot." Thomas said, they all nodded.

Soon, they all made pairs; Thomas goes with Minho, along with Bea, Winston and Frypan, Thèrèse and Aris goes with Teresa and Newt and Nancy goes together.

Vicky, well, Nancy had insisted she should come with her and Newt, but the younger girl said she preferred going alone.

Vicky was now wandered around the abandoned mall, searching for water bottles or some clothes. A brown jacket had caught her eyes and some pair of boot cut jeans, (brown too.) She grasp the jacket and jeans, finding some black inner top. She slips out of her sweater, slipping in the new inner top, before fitting in her jacket. She tries the jeans as well and surprisingly it fits her size.

She looked for more, not realising she had started to get far away from the rest, too busying in her own little world. She found some coats and bags.

She grip on the bag and stuffed her things inside; three pair of jackets, a tank top and two inner top, jeans, bandanna.

Surprisingly, she found some guns and ammo box. She took it too, preparing for anything happens. Luckily, she found some water canteens and filled clean water in it. As she walk around again, she found some bat and more guns, she took some hair bands and bandanna she has also found.

Vicky can't help it but like the company of being alone, even in the world like this, she can't help it but atleast have some faith and hope. She tends to always handle things usually by herself. And she can't even seem to try and asked for help.

Then, out of blue, a sound rustling noises and rough noises of hisses were sounded, she froze abruptly, hearing the noises, inspecting it carefully. 'Sounded like an animal' she thought.

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