Chapter 13 - Attempted Confessions

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(Y/n) pov - 11:30 the next morning

I was woken up at around 9 by Mina shaking me violently. Mistuki made eggs and rice, and she and Mina picked out my outfit while I ate and showered. I'm wearing (favorite outfit) and no makeup, to Mina's disappointment.
Kirishima and Bakugou have been gone since 8:30 this morning. What the heck are they planning? I'm sitting on the couch, tapping my foot in impatience as I wait for the go-ahead to start making my way toward the valley. I hear a knock on the door and jump up to get it, finding a grinning Kirishima on the other side.
"Time to go," he says, stepping aside to let me out the door. I close it behind me and walk down the porch steps, turning around to see him still standing by the front door.
"Are you coming?" I ask and he smiles, shaking his head and motioning for me to go ahead on my own. I take a deep breath and head down the street, out of the Branch, and toward the path that will take me to the valley and Katsuki.

Bakugou pov

I've been in the valley since before preparing everything. Shitty hair helped me, he wasn't completely useless I guess. The setting needs to be perfect, to make up for how terrible I am with words. I still don't know how I'm going to tell her.
I barely slept last night, but I'm wide awake because of the anxiety. Shitty hair tried to get me to wear a suit, he got several hits to the head for that suggestion. I settled with my favorite skull shirt and some black sweats. It's not super fancy but I'm doing this in the woods, not at a fancy restaurant.
I snap out of my thoughts at the sound of footsteps walking down the path. Oh shit! I sit crisscrossed on the picnic blanket, wearing a softer-than-usual scowl to hide my nervousness. She walks into the valley and my stern expression drops. So much for trying to hide my emotions, although I suppose not hiding them is the reason I'm here.
I watch her take in everything, her eyes filled with their usual bright sparkle. Good, she likes it. "Took you long enough," I huff, my tone not as irritated as I planned it to be. She turns to me and smiles, walking over to sit across from me.
"This is amazing Katsuki, it must have taken forever," she compliments my work and I just shrug. It wasn't all that hard. "You look nice by the way."
I blush and resist the urge to hide it, instead making direct eye contact with her. "I'm just in my regular clothes, nothing special. I've never seen that outfit though, it looks... really good on you," I try my best to compliment her without yelling. It must have worked because now we're both blushing.
"Did you make lunch? Don't you think it's a bit early for that Katsuki, I just ate less than 3 hours ago," she chuckles and I just grunt. "So you told me you were going to tell me who you were singing to last night?"
I sigh and lean back in my hands, staring at the sky while I try to figure out how I'm supposed to do this. "Ugh," I tilt my head forward again to look at her. "I was singing it to you," I say, getting closer to her as her eyes go wide. "(Y/n), I'm in lo-"
I'm cut off by the sounds of metal and shouting as guards jump out of the bushes and into the clearing. We're surrounded. I stand up, preparing for a fight, when I feel someone grab me from behind, pinning my arms to my sides. "Katsuki! Shoto?!" (Y/n) shouts, panic dancing in her (e/c) irises.
I whip my head around to see an unfortunately familiar pair of heterochromia eyes. "Damn half-n-half bastard! Let me go!" He sighs and gives me a sad frown, still managing to restrain me as I fight against his hold. I growl and turn back around to face (y/n) before sending my head backward to meet Todoroki's forehead.
He groans and lets me go, falling backward. One of the guards, who looks to be the youngest, rushes to check on the prince. I leave them be and run to stop the other soldiers from getting ahold of (y/n). As I reach for her one of the men steps in front of me, moving the blade of his sword to rest against my neck. I glare at him and he smirks, knowing he has control of the situation. I look to (y/n) one last time before another guard approaches me from behind, ready to knock me out with his shield. "I love you too!" She shouts before everything goes black.

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